
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Method of teaching monologue statements by using associogram method in secondary school

Method of teaching monologue statements by using associogram method in secondary school

Автор: armybts0558

The article discusses the use of the associogram method in teaching monologue speech in a foreign language, increasing the student's cognitive processes, motivation to learn a foreign language. Associograms in teaching allow you to use all the vocabulary you have learned, transform phrases into a student's monologue speech. The associogram method helps to overcome the “language barrier” in order to increase the effectiveness of learning.

In the era of the development of international relations and the development of Information technologies, the importance of education is increasing from year to year, and the relevance of teaching English is growing especially rapidly. The increasing role of information in connection with globalization and the dynamic development of modern society indicate the need for a revision of approaches to education in general. In the education system, teaching English in new ways is the only condition for development. Modern pedagogical research can only develop through the use of an innovative approach, which requires the creative introduction of new methods and technologies in the general education system.

Currently, the most of the developed countries of the world have realized the need to reform the education system in order for the student to truly become a central figure in the educational process, so the cognitive activity of the student is in the focus of attention of teachers, researchers, educational programs, developers, instructions for administrative staff, etc.students. Today, at a time when the concept of education is changing: from traditional education to life long education, it is very important to study and learn intensively in accordance with our conclusions. As a result, today's task of educational institutions is not just to disseminate information, but to teach students to fully apply the knowledge they have received.

Many teachers limit the learning process to completing exam tasks, while ignoring the development of speech and preparation for an oral report. Oral speech, through which verbal communication is carried out and developed when a person has a communicative need, is one of the productive types of speech activity. Speech, like any type of human activity, has many characteristics, of which the most important is the use of a communicative function in a person's life. The ability to speak a foreign language is one of the abilities of speech, which has its own product and consequences.

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