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Classroom management in the secondary school foreign language class

Автор: Bayan0970577

Key words: classroom management, foreign language, management, secondary school, foreign language class.

At present, it becomes obvious that one of the main tasks of school reform is the process of improvement, a significant increase in the quality of general education, labor and professional training of students.

The development of theoretical problems of managing the learning process in specific academic subjects is of particular importance in modern conditions, since, first of all, training should contribute to the formation of a socially active personality of each student. Achieving the goal in the success of the learning and education processes of students in secondary school conditions requires a certain improvement in the tasks, content, techniques and means of the educational process. General secondary education includes a variety of learning conditions, the complexity and scale of students' tasks, the constant increase and complication of information flows that cause special interest and relevance of the development of theoretical and practical issues of management of the learning process in relation to secondary school.

The purpose of the work: to determine the conditions for the implementation of a model of effective classroom management in a foreign language in secondary school.

The object of the research is the process of foreign language classroom management in secondary school.

The subject of research is the management of the classroom process in a foreign language in secondary school.

The problems of managing the learning process are considered at the intersection of research sciences, such as pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philosophy. The theoretical basis of the research was formed by the results of psychological, pedagogical and philosophical works, revealing: the essence of the management of the learning process, the characteristics of its main components (VP Bespalko, II Ilyasov, VA Slastenin, AA Orlov, etc.); regularities of the pedagogical process (I.F. Isaev, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, V.Yu. Krichevsky, A.N. Orlov, N.D. Khmel); principles of management of pedagogical systems (S.I. Arkhangelsky, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, A.N. Orlov, N.S. Suntsov, etc.).

Many theorists have attempted to describe what classroom management is, the qualities that make it effective or ineffective, the elements that are associated with this word, the sectors of classroom management, and if it is impacted by external influences during the previous few decades. Classroom management has been used as a synonym for discipline in the past, however according to contemporary ideas, discipline is only a subset of classroom management, since classroom management is a broad phrase that encompasses many elements, as shown below.
Management of the process of teaching a foreign language is one of the topical problems of scientific research. And most of these researchers note that the issue of management of educational activities in scientific works is poorly developed. This is reflected, first of all, in the availability of managerial capabilities and the conduct of managerial activities of the teacher.

Teachers are now expected to be more flexible, to develop positive interpersonal relationships with their students, to anticipate their needs (, and to collaborate with them in the establishment of classroom norms, according to those criteria [1]. Children and teachers can work together to build good connections and a supportive classroom atmosphere, both of which contribute to the development of self-esteem and self-control in children. Classroom management, in general, can influence whether the educational process is a success or a failure.

There are a few factors related with the express "classroom administration." These components are recorded underneath. The taking after are a few of them: It's time for school. The school could be a social institution that's planned to teach the citizens of any community. When their students make more noteworthy advance in comparison to their past level, it is considered compelling. A school's viability is decided by two components: the quality of instruction it gives and the complete development of its understudies [2]. There are a few variables related with the express "classroom administration." These components are recorded underneath. The taking after are a few of them: It's time for school. The school could be a social institution that's outlined to teach the citizens of any community. When their understudies make more noteworthy advance in comparison to their past level, it is regarded successful. A school's adequacy is decided by two variables: the quality of instruction it gives and the complete development of its understudies.[4]

The following pedagogical factors influence the management of objects: a) the goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language at this stage in secondary education; b) learning conditions: the limited number of hours, the number of classes, and the long periods of study allocated for the study of a foreign language in secondary school. In general secondary education, for example, with a restricted schedule of hours and a lengthy time of teaching a foreign language in school from grades 4 to 10, it is critical to select the most important core phenomena for achieving a good final result [3].

Strategic elements impacting the decision of control objects are showed basically a) in the attention to the significance of dominating the movement. Work on phonetic material isn't an end in itself, and a significant method for dominating the comparing movement, the osmosis of the material, paying little heed to the action being framed, doesn't give the fundamental impact in the functional authority of the language; b) dominating the abilities of getting sorted out action based preparing, continuous dominating of activities, intentionally coordinated correspondence; d) the capacity to comprehend the particulars of the development of conditions for a useful unknown dialect society; e) the capacity to shape the abstract troubles of the understudy being considered and the capacity to choose satisfactory method for remedy, and etc [5].

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