The realities of the modern world, which include globalization, informatization, increasing international cooperation and personal contacts with representatives of the English-speaking world, actualize the whole range of problems associated with methods of effectively mastering a foreign language as a means of communication. For effective communication it is necessary to possess not only knowledge in the field of grammar, vocabulary and phonetics, but also certain skills and abilities.
Teaching a foreign language should occur in the unity of four types of speech activity: speaking, writing, reading, listening. Only mastering the whole complex of types of speech activity guarantees the success of communication in a foreign language. Replenishment of vocabulary is a constant difficulty in learning a foreign language. With a long study of English interest in the language begins to disappear, it becomes especially noticeable in the senior classes, so you must constantly use new methods in teaching.
The object of the research is the methods and techniques of vocabulary replenishing.
The subject of this research is the methods and techniques using songs in teaching vocabulary for 10th grades.
The goal of the research is to prove the effectiveness of methods of using songs in English classes in 10th grades.
We set several objectives for the research:
1) Read the opinion of famous pedagogues on the use of songs in English lessons.
2) Consider various techniques using of songs for replenishing vocabulary.
3) Describe the features of working with a song.
4) Describe the problems of working with a song.
5) Present a model of work with a foreign language song.
During the research, we used the following methods:
- content analysis,
- statistical method,
- deduction,
- experiment.
To study the issue of using songs as a teaching methodology, we are going review the works of the following authors: V.L. Levi, I.V. Zaichenko, N. D.Galskova, E.V.Zakharov, N.A.
The difficulties arising from the use of musical techniques we are going to detail. This side of the question is well described by P.V. Sysoev and E.R. Porshneva.
Little attention is paid to the biological component of this topic: psychiatric abnormalities and abnormalities in the development of the brain, which affect the perception of music.
The main methods of working with a song as a method of vocabulary replenishment were considered in the works of O.E. Romanovskaya and M.K. Kolkov.
For the description of the algorithm of working with a song in the classroom of the English language in the 10th grades, were taken books I.L.Bim, A.A.Mirolyubov, A.S. Lyubchenko.
The term paper consists of the introduction, three chapters, conclusion, references, and appendix. In the first chapter, covered theoretical foundation using of songs as a method of learning vocabulary, specified the role of the song in music in training and pointed out the problems of working with a song. In the second chapter we showed various techniques and technologies of using the song in English lessons. In the third part, we described an experiment proving the effectiveness of using songs in English class in 10th grades.