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Formation of reading skills at the middle stage of education using information technology

Автор: daryapopova120119990607

Reading in a foreign language is one of the most essential tools for effective foreign language proficiency. Through reading, the experience accumulated by humanity in various areas of life, the development of the intellect, and the education of a socially valuable person are transmitted. [1, p. 192].

Reading is one of the four types of speech activity, which is a necessary and important component in teaching English. "Reading is a written reproductive type of speech activity, as a result of which we receive the necessary information, emotions or learn the author's position" [2, p. 331]. 

Reading as a type of speech activity in a foreign language is the most essential for most people. Few people have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers, but almost everyone has the opportunity to read in a foreign language. That is why teaching to read is very important in teaching a foreign language. [3, p. 331]. 

In this connection, it is necessary to consider the available definitions of the term "reading", given by various researchers in the field of foreign language teaching. The well-known psychologist D.B. Elkonin wrote: "Reading is, first of all, the process of reconstructing the sound form of words according to their graphic (letter) model" [4, p. 37]. V.G. Goretsky and V.A. Kiryushkin mean that reading is such a type of speech activity, which consists in the identification, active processing and awareness of semantic information [5, p. 254].

According to A. N. Leontiev, reading in a non-native language is a special case of the perception process [6, p.9].The famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky understood reading as a technology of intellectual development, a way of acquiring culture, a mediator in communication, a means for solving life problems [7, p. 158]. 

According to S.K. Folomkina, reading is defined as "a process aimed at extracting information contained in a written speech work-text" [8, p.268]. Z.I.Klychnikova analyzes reading in detail as a type of speech activity and identifies essential features that distinguish it from other types of verbal communication [9, p.17]. 

Historically, reading "appeared later than oral speech and on its basis" [10, p.139], and became one of the important means of communication and cognition. 

Reading belongs to receptive speech activities, the purpose of which is visual recognition of graphic signs and understanding of written language. [11, p.239]. Reading enters the sphere of communicative and social activity of people and provides a written form of communication in it [12, p.256]. As E.I. Passov notes, reading is focused on "semantic perception" [13, p. 27].

Nowadays there is a rapid development of information and communication technologies and their pervasion in all spheres of social life, including the educational sphere. That is why the problem of the most effective application of information technology in teaching reading in a foreign language becomes very relevant. The specific nature of teaching a foreign language lies in the fact that students learn the language in an artificial language environment due to the lack or  of a natural one. This situation involves the widespread use of computer technology and various technical means of teaching, which can contribute to the successful formation of reading skills in English at the middle stage of teaching. [14, р.13].

According to N.D. Galskova and N.I. Gez, correction and improvement of reading is carried out at the middle stage of teaching [15, p. 231]. In this way, the use of information technology in secondary school opens up new opportunities for developing reading skills in English.

Consequently, all of the above arguments specify the relevance of the final project. 

The noveltyof the final project consists in formation of reading skills based on   using information technology in teaching the English language in secondary school.

The aim of the final project is to create methodological recommendations focused on formation of reading skills through the application of information technology including reading texts, and interactive tasks and exercises to be used in practical English  lessons in 7th grade.

Research objectives:

1) to study scientific and methodological literature related to the concept of reading as a receptive type of speech activity in teaching a foreign language.

2) to review and select Internet resources and approaches that would be methodologically effective for the purposes of the final project based on information technology.

3) develop a system of tasks and exercises based on the text for reading, taking into account the formation of applicable Internet resources for the development of reading skills based on the textbook "Excel" grade 7.

Expected results of the project: methodological recommendations aimed at formation of reading skills by the way of application of information technology in English lessons in secondary school in 7th grade.

Stages of the final project implementation:

1) Study of relevant literature on the topic of the final project. 

2) Selection of information technology resourcessuitable to the aims of the final project and appropriate methods of teaching reading.

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