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Body parts

Автор: sitora.kuchkarova0619



2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly 

2.W3 write familiar words 

2.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet

2.S7 place stress correctly on familiar polysyllabic words


Problems: say and all the words correctly.





2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly 

1.Warm up video watching

Listen to a song and ask kids to name the body parts. This checks their knowledge from last year (assessment for learning). Basing on the knowledge, teacher may plan further activities

Listen to the song one more time to listen for details and complete the missing letters ON THE CARDS. For the moment, learners have to be able to name and write alphabetically, so they will be able to complete it.

Final singing of the song. Sing along with movements. (FINGERS, TOES, EYES, NOSE, ARMS, LEGS, HAIR, HEAD, FEET)

Learners listen





1 min 

2 min

3 min 


2.S7 place stress correctly on familiar polysyllabic words


2.W3 write familiar words


Step 1 Listen, point and repeat.

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the My Face poster on the board. Point to and name the parts of the face. The pupils repeat after you. Then point to the parts of your face and ask the pupils to call out the appropriate word. Name a part of the face. Ask a pupil to point to it on his/her face. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

Playing beetle game. You throw the dice and according to the number of dots kids draw parts of the beetle body parts. Start with body and head. Do not forget to ask them to name the body parts.

Development. Introduction of the new vocabulary. Teacher presents PPT with balls. Teacher presents words: yellow, green, red, pink, blue. Practice Teacher gives examples to describe balls using he, she is/ they are, have got/ has got. Ex: He is has got a big /small.

Step 2 Complete. Then draw, colour and say.




Learners repeat words.

Play game

Learners do exercise

10 min

10 min

5 min


2.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet


Teacher asks students that they learned at the lesson.

Home task : learn the body parts and spelling,ex 3 page 37 Activity book

Learners say that they learned at the lesson.

Learners write home task

4 min


Teacher tells student to write words that they remembered at the lesson.

Classroom routines 

Teacher tells goodbye

Students write words that they remembered at the lesson. 

Students tell goodbye

5 min


The lesson was good. The objectives was distinguished. Students learned new words, made sentences using he, she is/ they are, have got/ has got. Ex: He is has got a big /small. The most interesting task was playing beetle game.

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