
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Describing a favorite book

Describing a favorite book

Автор: AjnabekovaZHB05 268

7.3A Reading for pleasure

Term 3 Unit 1

School: 16

Date: 31.01.2019

Teacher’s name: Toiyndykova A. M.


Grade: 7 V

Number present: 12

absent: 2

Theme of the lesson

Describing a favorite book.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

7.S8 Recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

7.UE15 Use infinitive forms after a limited number of verbs and adjectives.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

·         Understand most specific information and detail while listening;

·         Describe a favourite book.

Most learners will be able to:

·         Complete listening task with all the missing words;

·         Understand whether statements are true or false while listening;

·         Use gerund and infinitive accurately.

Some learners will be able to:

·         Complete listening tasks with two missing words without spelling mistakes.


Book vocabulary:

favorite book




genre (fantasy, love story, detective)

like  reading / like to read

Grammar: gerund and infinitive

Value links

Lifelong learning, Collaboration, Respect to different opinions, Transparency in evaluation, Global Awareness

Crosscurricular links

Kazakh, Russian and English Literature through discussing fiction and non-fiction books

Previous learning

Fiction and Non-Fiction Literature

Useof ICT

Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation

Intercultural awareness

Accept diversity of other cultures’ literature

Kazakh culture

Discussion of Kazakh fiction and non-fiction books

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

Planned timings

Planned activities



1-3 min











4-12 min






































12- 18 min































































18-25 min










25-37 min





38-40 min


Greetings and Warm-up: W, f

Teacher greets the class and shows pictures of a variety of book genres and asks learners to define the type of literature (fiction or non-fiction). Learners are given signal cards (“F” – fiction and “NF” – non-fiction) to use for their responses.

This activity aims at evaluating learners’ previous learning.

Answers: 1 F, 2 F, 3 NF, 4 NF, 5 F, 6 NF, 7 NF, 8 F


Lead-in: P, W

Teacher writes on the board the names of famous book characters (Harry Potter, ТатьянаЛарина, Алдар Көсе) and asks learners to think of the theme of the lesson.

Learners should say that they are going to discuss book characters of English, Russian and Kazakh literature. At this stage, some learners might not know the word “character”, so they may say “hero”.

Then, teacher and learners set the lesson objectives.

Brainstorming W

Teacher asks learners to name one book character from English, Kazakh or Russian fiction literature. Teacher explains that learners may think of any types of books.

Learners should name at least one character they like most.

Then, learners look at pictures of various famous English  book characters and should match them with the titles of the books. P

1 C - Huckleberry Finn from “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

2 A – Oliver Twits from “Oliver Twist”

3 E -  Alice from ‘Alice in Wonderland”

4 B – Severus Snape from “Harry Potter”

5 D – Legolas from “Lord of the Rings”


Teacher supports learners if they do not know character names.



Then teacher asks learners whether they have read Harry Potter books and whether they like them.

Teacher introduces the listening task to learners and gives instructions.

Listening task 1 I, f


Learners listen to the passage “Harry Potter” and should complete the sentences with one word.


For less able learners:

1. Harry Potter is a boy ______ who has taken over the world (wizard).

2. That’s when J.K. Rowling published her ______ book (first).

3. She is the ________ of Harry Potter (creator).

4. The first novel was called “Harry Potter and Philosopher’s _____” (stone).

5. My friends waited overnight outside a _________ to make sure they got their copy of the latest book (bookstore).


For more able learners:

Learners listen to the passage “Harry Potter” and should complete the sentences with two words.

1. Harry Potter is a boy_______ who has ________ over the world (wizard, taken).

2. That’s when J.K. Rowling _________ her ______ book (published, first).

3. The first _________ was called “Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone” and it became an _________ success (novel, amazing).

4. Six more Harry Potter books followed and they all became ________   _________ (best sellers).

5. My friends waited overnight outside a ________ to make sure they got their copy of the _________ book (bookstore, latest).


Listening task 2 I, f

Learners listen to the passage again and decide whether the statements below are True or False.

5. All people knew about Harry Potter before 1997 _____.

6. J.K. Rowling published her first Harry Potter book in 1998 _____.

7. The first novel “Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone” was successful ______.

8. There are 10 Harry Potter books overall ______.

9. People liked all Harry Potter books and everyone to get his copy of the book ______.

10. Harry Potter has never been filmed ______.


Teacher discusses the right answers with learners. Then learners assess themselves individually and share their results with teacher.


New vocabulary W, I, P

Teacher introduces new vocabulary which learners are expected to use while describing book they like.

Then, teacher explains the meaning of the words and asks learners to make two examples with them.


Teacher revises gerund and infinitive by asking learners: Speaking

-          What do you like to read?

-          Do you enjoy reading fantasy books?

Then, teacher pays learners’ attention to the structure.



Speaking about favorite books P

Teacher suggests learners to create a dialogue about their favorite books. Learners should make up a dialogue using new vocabulary and gerund and infinitive accurately.

Assessment criteria:

Teacher brainstorms learners what this speaking activity criteria are. Learners would say that they need to describe a book, use new words; teacher may add that they also are required to make sentences using gerund / infinitive.


Learners have 5 minutes to prepare, then they present their dialogues.



Reflection W

Learners play a game where they sit in a circle and first learner should say what he/she likes/enjoys reading, then next learner repeats previous learner’s favorite book by saying “Adelya likes reading love stories” and adds what book he/she likes to read. The last learner has the most challenging task as he must recall all learner’s favorite books or book genres and then shares his own.

PPP, slide 1

















PPP, slide 2





PPP, slide 3










PPP, slide 4
















http://www.listenaminute.com/h/harry_potter.html - Listening “Harry Potter”







Worksheet with tasks























































words on the wall














PPP, slide 5





Feedback: Teacher asks learners what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.



Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

·         Differentiation will be implemented through presenting different leveled tasks on listening.

For less able learners- complete the sentences with one missing word

For more able learners- complete the sentences with two missing words.

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

·         Assessment criteria will be presented to the learners before starting speaking activity

  • Observe learners when presenting their dialogues. Did each learner contribute to the dialogue? If not, why not? (e.g. didn’t understand what to do; not so confident speaking English; not interested in topic; other)
  • Monitor learners to check they can pick up specific details and understand main points when listening about Harry Potter

Critical thinking

·         Analyzing the pictures of book characters and guessing the books


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Казахский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
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