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The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Автор: Аля03 163

Long-term plan:The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

School: Fedorovka Secondary School


Teacher name: Jumagaziyeva A A


Number present


Learning objectives develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion understand with little support the main points in extended talk understand specific information  and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

- know about ways of travelling in the UK and Kazakhstan

- read and understand the main points of the textwith support

- give an opinion about travelling with support

Most learners will be able to 

- know about interesting places for  travelling in the UK and Kazakhstan

- understand and identify  specific informationabout travelling with some support 

-give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of familiar general andcurricular topics with minimal support 

Some learners will be able to 

- compare  interesting places for  travelling in the UK and Kazakhstan

understand specific information  and detail in texts about travelling in Kazakhstan independently

give an opinion at discourse level about travelling with arguments

Assessment criteria 

Realise particular information and details in reading passage   

Provide a point of view in conversations

Share their own ideas and discuss

Value links

To respect each other and yourself respect differing points of view 

Cross curricular links 


Previous learning

Basic knowledge about Kazakhstan and it’s places


Planned timings

Planned activities


3 min 


2 min


3 min


7 min 

4 min 


4 min


greets learners andasks students to make a circle  Let’s divide into 3 groups according to the pictures and say what  about this pictures



introduces to the learning objectives and asks to find out the topic of the lesson looking the video “ Beautiful places in Kazakhstan”

(W) Tasks the following questions:

How do you think what this video about?

How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

Where are the best places to visit in Kazakhstan?

What  places of  Kazakhstan have you been to?

What places would you like to visit?

Where would you advise tourists to visit in your area? Why?


pre-teaches the unknown vocabulary to the students

(D) Pre–reading 

cockroach • argument• race • crowd • at a full gallop • lean down• saddle • snatch up• handkerchief • grab • speed • on display

explains the lesson vocabulary on PPT to the students (drilling) 


(I)Text My amazing travels

I ve seen a lot of strange things during my trip including some reallyweird sports and races Here are two of the best


1.Cockroach racing has got to be the craziest sport on theplanet. So, how did it all begin? The story goes that one day in 1982 in Brisbane, Australia, two men had an argument about which part of the town had the biggestand fastest cockroaches. The next day they had a raceto see who was right. The crowd enjoyed it so much that cockroach races have taken place every January 26thsince then!

2.When I was in Kazakhstan I saw something that took my breath away. Horsemen riding at a full gallop leaned down out of the saddle to snatch up ahandkerchief from the ground – on the left, then on the right, again and again! The winner was the one who grabbed the most handkerchiefs. I couldn't  believe the skill and speed

on display. The sport is called ‘Κumis alu’, and it is a very ancient game. Thousands of years ago, the Greek leader Alexander the Great said that it was the best training for a rider. Kumis alu is still popular in Kazakhstan and you can see why

(P) Work in pair Ex 2 Read the text and mark the statements T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) Correct the false sentences

1 The cockroach races began after two people disagreed about  something                                    ..........

2 Cockroaches have to run in a straight line during the races                  .........

3 Alexander the Great was excellent at Kumis alu   ..........

4 People in Kazakhstan don’t like Kumis alu       ……….

(P)Pair work   Critical thinking 

Ex 3 

Which of the events in the text would you

like to attend? Why? Say or write

(G)  Ex 4 Group work 

Prepare an advertisement You are a tour agency employees Select one picture and make an advertisement to attract tourist Pay attention to the name, place, entertainment and how tourists can spend their holidays in these places. 


Learners do self assessment

(G)Differentiation by task 

Level A Speak about beautiful places in Kazakhstan 

Level B  Make a dialogue about travelling in Kazakhstan

Level C Imagine you are abroad on a holiday Think of where you are where you are staying what the weather is like  what you have/haven’t done how you feel about the place  Write sentences

Assessment according to the method  Make a note 

Formative assessment 

(P) work in pair Take turns in asking and answering the questions below

Learner A 

Do you like to travel with your mother? Why or why not? 

Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? Why?

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?

Do you prefer to travel by train, by bus or ship?

Learner B:

Do you prefer to travelling by car or by plane?

Have you ever been to a foreign country? What?

What country would you like to visit? Why?

Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?

Descriptor          A learner

  • demonstrates the ability to answer with an appropriate information;
  • shows own opinion;
  • produces full utterances based on his/ her own experience. 


Tasks to complete the diagram 

Best places in Kazakhstan           Ways of travelling                    Best places in UK  





I know about the best places to visit in Kazakhstan

I know about interesting places for  travelling in the UK and Kazakhstan

I can give own opinion about ways of travelling in the UK and Kazakhstan




Students book 





Check list 

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Русский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Казахский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ИнформатикаДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ФизикаДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Математика (алгебра)Для 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ХимияДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
БиологияДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ГеографияДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Английский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
История КазахстанаДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Для дошкольниковДля дошкольников от 4 до 6 лет Открыть

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Казахский язык
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Русский язык
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Английский язык
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История Казахстана
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