
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » How do people become aware of gender stereotypes?

How do people become aware of gender stereotypes?

Автор: Dilnaz Mukaeva0452

Проявления гендерных стереотипов в обществе, его влияние и последствия. Что является источником гендерных стереотипов, как люди узнают об этом и сталкиваются с ним в жизни.


“The importance of gender labeling is explained by the fact that children observe the frequency with which certain actions are performed by men and women and are more likely to imitate the behavior that is considered inherent in people of the same gender” (Burn, 1996)
A gender stereotype is a common idea in society about the characteristics and behavior of representatives of different genders. Recently, people more often begin talking about gender stereotypes. Women and men claim that counterpart, internet users, parents, or society constantly telling them what to do and how to be. These people say that women must be gentle, supposed to wear dresses, cook, do housework well and with it take care of children. As a case in point, in the United States, there were several discussions in the media and beyond it about if the USA was ready for women to run for president. It demonstrates prejudicial submission of a woman in society, that prevents woman to take part in politics. As for men, they must be strong, must be good in politics, science, and play sport. Moreover, people follow these stereotypes. However, how do people become aware of gender stereotypes and have you ever wondered where these perceptions of women and men come from?
Now I am influenced by gender stereotypes. Lately, I told my mum and dad that I do not want to have kids unless I build my career and have enough money to create a family. Nevertheless, my parents do not agree with me, they said I should find a husband and have children before 25 years old. I have been hearing that I should do housework, cook, and marry early my entire adult life. Even now my siblings go through their words. So became curious as to where did it come from divisions and stereotypes and why they spread in society so fast.
My bias is that one of the most influential and intimate ways to learn gender stereotypes are parents. I want to make people understand that gender stereotypes can ruin someone’s plan for the future and even destiny. Because the child is the mirror of the parent, he/she repeat every single thing that does the parent. The kid learns behavior, habits, and worldview from parents.
The outcomes of my research can help people be more aware of the reasons for labeling gender stereotypes and find out more about the opposite gender, to learn to not devalue the problems of women and men. Also, the result of research can show the actuality of the problem and make people pay attention to this issue.

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