
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Why, in 21st century, do overwhelming amount of students have lack of the enthusiasm and motivation to study?

Why, in 21st century, do overwhelming amount of students have lack of the enthusiasm and motivation to study?

Автор: Altynai Toktarbek0440

“You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward”
Conrad Hall
Currently, I have noticed that student achievement went down because most of the students almost lost the interest and enthusiasm to study or enrich their knowledge. According to the students nowadays one of the common reason for losing the motivation to study is recent situation related to COVID-19 due to this students were forced to educate remotely via the Internet but in fact, many students had problems with a lack of engrossment in process of schooling even before the situation with covid-19. Therefore I want to investigate the range of reasons why do children have lack the interest and motivation to study at school and how to awaken in students the desire to learn to increase student achievement. So, I believe that the results of my research will help schoolers, especially high school students, to more accurately see the reasons for demotivation in their studies, and among the many ways to solve this problem, they will be able to find a solution that suits them personally.
In modern school, motivation without exaggeration can be called the main tool for studying, since motivation is the source of activity and performs the function of incentive. So, what is motivation? What does it depend on? Why does one student learn with enjoyment, while the other with indifference? In that case, I will examine this issue in detail in my research. Each student may have personal reasons for lack of motivation in learning. However, these causes of this problem may be similar for many students. I am also sure that there is a correlation between the emotional state of the student and the lack of involvement in learning.
It should be acknowledged that school children wouldn’t study productively, if they are disregard learning and knowledge, without interest and without realizing the need for them. As I consider, research about lack of student motivation will help most of the adolescents who don’t know the exact reasons for demotivation and what they should do to get interested in studying. Moreover, different tips will be given to solve the problem with demotivation in studies. Furthermore, the research will figure out the impact of parent-child relationships and teacher-student relationships on student motivation to educate. In this case, maybe parents and teachers will be able to find a suitable approach specifically to the issue of demotivation their child or students.
In my point of view, students do have a lack of stimulus and interest since they are demotivated by the structure and allocation of rewards. So, maybe the whole education system should be changed for a better way to increase the productivity of students.

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