
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » How to solve the problem of contamination by microplastic of water in landlocked countries?

How to solve the problem of contamination by microplastic of water in landlocked countries?

Автор: Asylai0433


“The plastic bottle we’re throwing away every day still stays there. And if we show that to people, then we can also promote some behavioral change.”- Carlo Ratti.
Recently I understand that the consequences of our actions are intimidating, to be more specific to the hydrosphere and the lithosphere in general, by polluting everything not only with carbon dioxide, but most of all with plastic. It has only negative effects, so I want to know is this possible to solve the horrible consequences and how to do it in landlocked countries? That is , the people which live in countries where lack of water also can drink the polluted water by microplastic, which means that its an problem of everyone in this planet. In addition, I live in a city that is located next to the Irtysh River, the water of which flows straight from the Arctic Ocean. This is the reason why I want to study this issue and topic deeper.
More than 7 billion and each of them produce about 300 kilograms of plastic waste annually).
So the colossal amount of plastic is thrown into the ocean plastic decomposes only to microplastic, after which it enters lakes and water bodies along streams and rivers. Near them, people live their lives without even realizing that they are gradually poisoning their bodies with microplastics. Nevertheless, there are stereotypes that microplastics are not dangerous, which is not true. I am convinced that microplastics can harm human health and lead to disease. I also do not want to realize that human health can be deteriorated due to the non-degradability of plastic, because the consequences of its use are already terrible. Such global problems as air pollution,because when decomposing it produces carbon dioxide, moreover, not only water but also soil is polluted, from.
My research will be useful for the students who care about the state of the nature. Its results can be used by us to purify water from microplastics, and in the future they are more developed by the younger generation. I also believe that my research contributes to the fact that this problem will become more relevant in our country and arouse public interest in its solution. Our city is located by the Irtysh River, which can be contaminated with microplastics, so this work will be useful for city residents. If the water of the river turns out to be polluted, then the solution to the problem, which will be described in the next stages of the project, will contribute to its solution and improve the quality of the water.

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