
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » SAU 1st term

SAU 1st term

Автор: Айслу Успанова (Саукимова)03 051

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 1

Task 1. Watch the video. What is the main idea of the conversation? 

Go to this link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=dBNIrt0-wK8 

Teacher can read the transcript below. 

Total [1]

Task 2. Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions: 

1. Which country is the final destination for the Street Soccer tour? 

A) Kenya 

B) Senegal 

C) South Africa 

2. You need to be mentally and physically fit to play street soccer. 

A) Doesn’t say 

B) True 

C) False 

3. The Amsterdam players aren’t very good at street soccer. 

A) True 

B) Doesn’t say 

C) False 

4. How many games did the street legends win in Amsterdam? 

A) all of them 

B) half of the games 

C) the video doesn’t say 

5. Edgar David used to play football for the Netherlands. 

A) True 

B) Doesn’t say 

C) False 

6. Which city are the Street Legends heading to the next? 

A) Paris 

B) London 

C) the video doesn’t say 

Total [6]

Task 3. Read the text and choose the right topic sentences (1-4) for paragraphs (A-D). Use each topic sentence only once and write the corresponding letter in the space given. 

1. Nelson Mandela became a leader in the African National Congress (ANC). 

2. Nelson Mandela was a civil rights leader in South Africa. 

3. Mandela would spend the next 27 years in prison. 

4. Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa 

A. ________________________. He fought against apartheid, a system where non-white citizens were segregated from whites and did not have equal rights. He served a good portion of his life in prison for his protests, but became a symbol for his people. Later he would become president of South Africa. 

B. ________________________. His birth name is Rolihlahla. He got the nickname Nelson from a teacher in school. Nelson was a member of Thimbu royalty and his father was chief of the city of Mvezo. He attended school and later college at the College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand. At Witwatersrand, Mandela got his law degree and would meet some of his fellow activists against apartheid. 

C. ________________________. At first, he pushed hard for the congress and the protesters to follow Mohandas Gandhi's non-violence approach. At one point, he started to doubt that this approach would work and started up an armed branch of the ANC. He planned to bomb certain buildings, but only the buildings. He wanted to make sure that no one would be hurt. He was classified as a terrorist by the South African government and sent to prison. 

D. ________________________. His prison sentence brought international visibility to the anti-apartheid movement. He was finally released through international pressure in 1990. Once released from prison, Nelson continued his campaign to end apartheid. His hard work and life long effort paid off when all races were allowed to vote in the 1994 election. Nelson Mandela won the election and became president of South Africa. There were several times during the process where violence threatened to break out. Nelson was a strong force in keeping the calm and preventing a major civil war. 

Total [4]


Choose ONE of the topics and write. 

Topic 1. Write an article to a newspaper describing the most popular hobby in Kazakhstan nowadays using appropriate grammar. Try to mention these questions: 

1. What kind of hobby is very popular among younger generation in Kazakhstan? 

2. Why is it important? 

3. Is your own hobby different from the most popular one? How? Why? 

Topic 2. Write an article to a newspaper describing the recent Sport Olympiad where Kazakhstan sportsmen participated (in country or abroad) using appropriate grammar. Try to mention these questions: 

1. What is the Olympiad’s focus? 

2. How did our sportsmen perform? 

3. Why is it important to participate in such events? 

Total [6]

Task 4. “Face to face”. Sit in front of a partner. Talk on your topic for 2 minutes. While you are talking, your partner will assess your speech using peer-assessment sheet. Then, turn your roles. Give each other feedback by telling the strong points of the speech and what your partner needs to improve in his/her speech. 

Learners are divided into 2 groups; they sit in front of each other. They talk about the chosen topic for 2 minutes. While one learner is talking the second learner is peer-assessing first learner’s speech. Then they change their roles. The second learner speaks and the first one assesses. Learners should provide feedback by telling the strong points of the speech and what a partner needs to improve in his/her speech. Teacher facilitates the learners through ongoing monitoring. 

Peer-assessment sheet:           




Stay on topic and make your ideas logical 

Use linking words (at least 5) 

Use and pronounce topical vocabulary correctly (at least 5) 

Total [3]

Total marks [20]

Mark scheme Listening and Reading



Additional information


Edgar Davids takes his team of Street Legends on a tour of Europe and Africa to battle against the best local teams. In Amsterdam East, the Street Legends face the Netherlands' finest talent. Edgar's friend Ryan Babel comes along to support. 
















  1. - 2


B – 4


C – 1


D – 3 




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