
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Lesson plan: Dragons and creatures

Lesson plan: Dragons and creatures

Автор: Шынар Дәуітбекова1972

Unit of a long term plan: 

Unit 2. Values in Myths and Legends

Teacher name: 

Dautbekova Sh.E



CLASS: 4 “E”

Number present: 


Lesson title :

Dragons and creatures 1

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

4.R3 recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics.

4.S4 respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

4.W7 spell most   familiar high-  frequency words accurately when   writing independently

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Read and retell the text
  • Spell the letters in correctly pronunciation 

Most learners will be able to:

  • Remember the information from the text

Some learners will be able to:

  • Answer the questions

Assessment criteria

To explore other subject areas (Natural History)

To talk and write about dinosaurs.

Lesson Plan



Planned activities 

Teacher's actions

Pupils` actions


10  min 

Organizational moment

  • Greeting

The teacher greets the students and asks questions to them.

-Good afternoon!

- How are you?

  • Division into groups:

Division into subgroups using colored balloons (green and yellow)

  • Defining the topic by collecting the puzzle



Asking questions with pictures.

-What is it?

-Where did it live?

-When did it live?


All learners answer the questions and greet the teacher. 

-Good afternoon!

-We are fine, thank you!

Pupils choose one of two balls (green or yellow) and divide into teams


determine the topic of the lesson by collecting a puzzle of dinosaurs

Use pictures and give some information.  

Green and yellow balloons


15 min 

New lesson 

New lesson:

Today we have new theme. The theme of our lesson is “Dragons and creatures”. Today we speak about dinosaurs. 

  • Teacher shows new words using flashcards: 

Horn, spike, tooth, claw, tail, feather

  • Teams read out the texts.

1st team is: about Dracorex

2nd team is: about Deinonychus

  • Label the pictures using new words.


A learner:

  • Reads the text with correct pronunciation 
  • Labels the picture without mistakes 
  • Warm up: “Dinosaur Stomp”

The pupils listen and follow in their books. The pupils read the text silently and label the pictures.


flashcards with new words

prepared texts for 2 teams


10 min

Doing tasks 

  • Read and write what the dinosaurs names mean.

Ex 16 p. 20 

  • How much do you remember about Dracorex and Deinonychus? Read and write yes or no. 

Descriptor: A learner

  • Completes the words correctly
  • Finds unknown words

Do the tasks in orally or write in your copybooks  

Activity Book 

5 min 


‘Blob tree’

Learners paint one person from the picture that most expresses his current state will 

Didactical material

3 min 

Home task

Collect information about another dinosaur. Use the texts in ex.26 as models.

*if the pupils don’t have internet access, ask them to use encyclopaedias, newspaper or magazines.

Learners make a project.

2 min


You were very active today at the lesson. You’ve worked hard today and I got you only good and excellent marks for today lesson. 

The lesson is over!

Thank you! Good Bye!

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История КазахстанаДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
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