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Architecture of computer system

Автор: Gulmira02 181

The theme of course 1. Understanding the general characteristics and value of the devices of electronic computing. Controlling internal and external devices

The theme of the lesson №3. Computer and architecture of computer system

І. Organization moment

Who is on duty today? 
What date is it today? 
What day is it today? 
Who is absent today? 
Are you ready for this lesson? That’s great! Let’s start our lesson!

ІІ. Checking home task (systematization of knowledge)

The game “Who wants to be a millionaire”

- The game “Horse racing”

III. Presentation stage

Reading taskThe whole text is divided into parts. You will work in pairs. You should read one section and translate it.

Architecture of Computer System

Computer system has five basic units that help the computer to perform operations, which are given below:

- Input Unit
- Output Unit
- Storage Unit
- Arithmetic Logic Unit
- Control Unit

Input Unit

Input unit connects the external environment with internal computer system. It provides data and instructions to the computer system. These devices take input and convert it into binary language that the computer understands. Some of the common input devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner etc.

Input unit performs following tasks:

  • Accept the data and instructions from the outside environment.
  • Convert it into machine language.
  • Supply the converted data to computer system.

Output Unit

It connects the internal system of a computer to the external environment. It provides the results of any computation, or instructions to the outside world. Some output devices are printers, monitor etc.

Storage Unit

This unit holds the data and instructions. It also stores the intermediate results before these are sent to the output devices. It also stores the data for later use.

The storage unit of a computer system can be divided into two categories:

  • Primary Storage: This memory is used to store the data which is being currently executed. It is used for temporary storage of data. The data is lost, when the computer is switched off. RAM is used as primary storage memory.
  • Secondary Storage: The secondary memory is slower and cheaper than primary memory. It is used for permanent storage of data. Commonly used secondary memory devices are hard disk, CD etc.

Arithmetic Logical Unit

All the calculations are performed in ALU of the computer system. The ALU can perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication etc. Whenever calculations are required, the control unit transfers the data from storage unit to ALU. When the operations are done, the result is transferred back to the storage unit.

Control Unit

It controls all other units of the computer. It controls the flow of data and instructions to and from the storage unit to ALU. Thus it is also known as central nervous system of the computer.


It is Central Processing Unit of the computer. The control unit and ALU are together known as CPU. CPU is the brain of computer system. It performs following tasks:

  • It performs all operations.
  • It takes all decisions.
  • It controls all the units of computer. 

After-reading tasks:

Task 1. Match the words with their definition

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the new words (CPU, ALU, output, secondary storage, input)

1. Some of the common ___________ devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner etc.

2. Some _______________devices are printers, monitor etc.

3. The storage unit of a computer system can be divided into two categories: primary storage,______________. 

4. All the calculations are performed in _________of the computer system.

5. The control unit and ALU are together known as ____________.


Listening task: Watch the video and fill the gaps:

  1. There are two types of architecture: 1). Von-Neumann architecture; 2). _________architecture. (Harvard)
  2. Architecture  is also known as a ____________________. (computer model)
  3. Von-Neumann architecture was designed and developed by the great mathematician and scientist Jhon Von Neumann in the year­­­ __________. (1945)
  4. There is two part in the Process: first CU (Control Unit), second _________________. (ALU -Arithmetic Logic Unit).
  5. ALU is worked to perform ______________functions. (mathematics)

V. Conclusion

Answer the following questions:

  1. How many basic units has computer system? List them. 
  2. What is their function?
  3. Input Unit
  4. Output Unit
  5. Storage Unit
  6. Arithmetic Logic Unit
  7. Control Unit

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