
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Eassy Educational value of Ibrai Altynssarin's stories. The first enlightened teacher! The teacher who opened the first school!

Eassy Educational value of Ibrai Altynssarin's stories. The first enlightened teacher! The teacher who opened the first school!

Автор: aigerimsargozhina0704

The first enlightened teacher! The teacher who opened the first school! The first teacher to receive a silver bell and invite Kazakh children to education! Yes, we are talking about the great son of the Kazakh people, the leader of the Kazakh intelligentsia, the teacher Ibray, who worked tirelessly for the benefit of the people, and his invaluable heritage! Speaking of teaching, not to mention the name of Ibrai, education and reading, it is impossible not to say a few words about the "Kazakh anthology". Ibrai Altynsarin, who was deeply concerned about the future of children and young people in the troubled times of the Kazakh steppes, noted that "Education without education is the worst enemy of mankind." In the content of these works, I see the moral issues that Abraham set as a teacher. I think he paid special attention to the education of the younger generation. The Kazakh people are simple, but we find much good in simplicity. "Kazakh anthology" is a very valuable world for a Kazakh child who is not indifferent to humanity. The value is that the short stories and poems included in this book contain issues necessary for the development of good behavior. Although easy to understand, easy to understand, and small in size, these works were written almost a century and a half ago, but their importance has not diminished. I think everyone will agree with me.

This year marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of the great teacher. In this regard, a number of events are organized. The leaders of the drama circle of our school organized a literary performance "Ibrai Altynsarin - the father of children's literature" organized by Ainash Tanirbergenovna. In the evening, the teacher talked about the life of Abraham. And the students showed their love for the teacher, who left us a lot of valuable things in his short life. One of them read his poems in style, and the other performed his stories with acting skills, which pleased the audience. Most of all, I was glad that the students received spiritual food. "Come, children, read!" In his poem, the poet not only invites young people to study and learn art, but also says that an educated person has a high level of consciousness, that a person can achieve his goals only through knowledge, that he is an open-minded person. Isn't that so? Nowadays, the only opportunity for young people to achieve their goals through education is "Read, read and read!", Everything is in your hands!

Read and work hard. See the fruits of your labor! This is clearly stated in the teacher's stories "Father and Child", "Spider, Swallow, Ant", "Generous". Yes, as a human being, there are times when you are dissatisfied with little things. Therefore, Ibrai Altynsarin argues that it is necessary to develop the qualities of diligence and work skills, educating children from an early age against laziness.These stories, which are very thought-provoking for today's young people, who are accustomed to walking lightly under heavy and light weight, emphasize the value of hard-earned income and the sweetness of hard-earned taste. Confident in the future, Ibray believed that young people would do what he could not do. Describing the darkness and ignorance of the environment:I think I have learned a lot from the works of the great Abraham during my teaching career. In the field of self-knowledge, I rely on the principles of the teacher in the upbringing of children in the first spiritual moral education of my students. As the folk wisdom says that art is a spring, knowledge is a light, let our students absorb this art and knowledge and have a bright future!According to the teacher, knowledge is the recognition of the truth around us. That is, I think that open-minded young people will learn the truth and find their place in life.Ibrai Altynsarin was the first Kazakh genius to achieve this goal, and I would like to conclude by saying that he was a great teacher who spread the light of European culture and recognized the truth among his dark, nomadic people.

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