Currently, the problem of gender inequality is relevant, it is especially pronounced in developing countries such as Kazakhstan and India. One of the clearest manifestations of gender inequality is the unequal distribution of household responsibilities. The purpose of this study is to identify differences in attitudes towards unpaid work of women in Kazakhstan, India and Iceland. In particular, it explores the main reasons for the predominance of unpaid female labor compared to male, as well as ways to achieve gender equality in the field of work and the distribution of household responsibilities.
An online survey was distributed among high school and university students in Kazakhstan to test the hypothesis that most of the female students are forced to carry out household duties in addition to studying. In order to obtain accurate statistics proving the relevance of the problem, 14 questions were asked. The results also revealed possible causes of the problem.
During five interviews, responses were received from people from different age categories. Experts from different fields shared their opinions on the possible reasons for the difference in the situation in countries such as Kazakhstan, India and Iceland and suggested solutions.