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Essay "They fought for their Homeland"

Автор: alyasova198201 379

What , where, when , why – so many questions I put to myself.
This is The Great Patriotic War . There's so much in those words: pain, grief
, suffering . This war made many people unhappy, deprived people of life, how
much blood was shed on it. The war was the most large-scale, destructive and
bloody war. But our generation now says a huge thank you and bows before our
veterans for what we here , now and live in peaceful country. It was everywhere,
but it was a struggle for justice , for the freedom and independence of the socialist
Motherland against fascist Germany and its allies.
What was the purpose? The purpose was to defend your Homeland, your
village, your piece of land. All the people began to defend their homeland, the
soldiers risked their lives, courageously fought with an enemy who is much
stronger than them. They did not think about the feat, the protection of the
Homeland was considered a duty.
Our army survived the heaviest conditions ,lack of food, water ,but they
showed true spirit, fearlessness and love for the Motherland and endured these
torments. Unfortunately many died in the hands of comrades and not everyone
survived in such conditions. The soldiers buried their native, but it didn't break
them ,and on the contrary there was a desire that none of ours ever felt such terrible
emotions and it was necessary to end the war only the victory. Our soldiers
climbed over backwards for the protection of the Motherland and peaceful life
without rain of bullets. Each fighter did everything to stop it ,sacrificed everything
and risked. They left their trace in history and the only thing we can do is to
remember ,appreciate and be proud of them. This day is important for us, for all
the people, because it was ay 9, 1945, our great-grandparents breathed a sigh of
relief, smiling at the world exhausted, but happy smile. And there was only one
thought in their minds: "We have won!".
Every year the Great Patriotic war goes further into history. The ranks of
veterans are thinning. These are people who defended our Homeland with
weapons in their hands. 1418 days and nights our nation defended their

Homeland: soldiers- at the front, the child- in the factory, the workers- in the rear.
Every soldier went to victory as far as he could .Today there are few veterans. it is
difficult for them because the state is poorly cared for by the elderly. But still they
are remembered, rewarded, honored, but it is pity because it is only on the 9 of
May. But very little remember the dead, whose bones are scattered across the vast
expanses. Many soldiers have never a grave. Others are buried in an unknown
place. Someone's grandfather is buried in a mass grave somewhere in Lithuania or
Estonia. Maybe when I become an adult, I will manage to erase this concept —
abroad. Or maybe by that time people will have wiped out the boundaries between
each other! My great-grandparents with all the people stood up for their homeland

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