

Автор: Аля01 403

Long-term plan:Unit 2 Living things

School: Fedorovka  Secondary school

Date: 14.02.2019

Teacher name: Jumagaziyeva A.A


Number present:


Lesson title: Plant 1

Learning objective

5. 2.3.1.understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5. 1.4.1. evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5. 3.7.1. use appropriate subject- specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5. 4.1.1. understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5. 5.2.1. write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

Lesson objective

All learners will be able to:

  • participate in discussions about plants with support 
  • ask the questions  relating to plants with support
  • respond the questions relating to plants with support

Most  learners will be able to:

  • answer the questions about  the plants with limited support
  • giving information about plants
  • write a short topic using familiar structure with good connection

Some learners will be able to:

  • learners speak out their opinion about the topic without any support
  • gives constructive feedback with a teacher’s help

Assessment criteria

  • apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences
  • write short sentences on familiar topics 
  • connect sentences into a paragraph

Value links

universal Labor Society. Upbringing of the respectful attitude towards the nature.

Universal Labor Society (”Mangilik Yel”,5)

ICT skills

Smart board and projector to present the material 

Previous learning

Weather and climate


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 min

Organization moment

Brainstorming Watching the video: “Uses of plants”

-Do you like this video?           

-What do you see in this video?

-What do you think about this video?

-What do you think the theme of our lesson? 

-Right, you are. The interesting theme of our lesson “Plants”


Middle   5 -10min

10 – 17 min

17 - 27 min

27-37 min

[G] ‘’Showdown’’

Students in groups of four receive a task card with questions.

The team leader of the group picks up the card and reads the question in it aloud without showing it to the others

Other team members write the answers on their paper. When the teacher gives the showdown signal, all the members reveal their responses at once.

If everyone gets the same answer they can assume the answer is correct. If not, all members need to discuss to see if someone did something wrong and help that student to see what they did wrong.

For the next task card, a different student on the team becomes the leader

Answer the question

1.Do you plant flowers?

2. When do you usually plant flowers?

3. Where do you usually plant flowers?

4. What’s your favorite flower?

5. Do you water it?

6. How often do you water it?

7. What kind of  flowers do you  plant?

8. What do living plants need?

9. What do plants provide us?

10 What type of plants do you know?


answer the questions

make grammatically correct sentences

Assessment ( teachers’ feedback) 

The teacher monitors the activity to make sure students are getting the correct answers

‘’Talking pictures’’.

[P,f]. Teacher divides class into 6 pairs 

T: Look at the pictures

1st team

Choose a picture. Present ideas to the class

Evaluate the feedback and respond to it 

2nd  team  

Give feedback to classmates on presenting 

his / her thoughts

Ask questions to clarify the ideas


talks about plants

evaluates partner’s answer 

gives constructive feedback

asks the questions for clarification

Assessment: peer assessment

[G] Crumpled paper

Teacher divides class into 4 parts. Each group nominates writers Runners dictate the text which is crumpled and hang on the wall

[W] Learners answer the teacher’s questions to the whole class


1.Why plants are very important kind of life?

2.What do living plants need?

3.How do plants grow?

4.What do plants provide us?


reads the text

listen reader

write correctly

answer the questions using the information from the text

Differentiation by support of teacher

to work individually with some children

by ‘No hands questioning’

[G,f] Pre-writing. ’’Mind mapping’’

Learners in groups make map


Teacher’s give less able learners ready clichés 

[I] Write a short topic using the picture from task 2

Follow the instructions

1.Give the title to the topic

2.Make up a short plan

3.Write the main idea

4.Give three details

5.Write summary sentence

6.Use your draft organizer

7.Follow the layout structure

8.Write a short story (about 10 sentences)


writes a short topic

uses appropriate layout

keeps the format of a given genre

Differentiation: Teacher’s give less able learners ready clichés  

Deck of cards with questions

4 worksheets with text






Instruction on the active board

Ready clichés and words 


37 – 40 min


[W] Tick and cross 

Learners together check their written work





 Colour one part of a circle
  • Was easy and interesting
  • Was difficult but interesting
  • Was difficult and uninteresting

Self-evaluation sheet




I know some words about the plants

I understand a text while listening

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