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Composition of public speech: debate

Автор: Диана Жайлаубай0354

Faced, every day, with public speeches, we often do not even think about how important a role they play in the life of society, and indeed, each individual person. The purpose of public speaking is to inform listeners and to exert the desired influence on them. As a rule, this effect is persuasion. Every day, from TV screens, skillful, and more often not very, speakers in the advertising business try to convince us that it is their product that is worth buying, and not any other. At least once every couple of years, we elect representatives of any government, then the president, then deputies. That's where the oratorical speech is heard literally from all sides – from TV screens, at meetings, and just on the street. Each candidate, personally and with the help of a huge staff of assistants, tries to convince the population of the correctness of his political program. And after all, more than once, you will agree, despite other factors, it pulls you to make a choice in favor of someone whose speeches are distinguished by harmony, beauty, persuasiveness. But every person in his life is faced with the need to speak to an audience, convince his listeners of something.

The art of constructing and publicly delivering a speech, the ability to have the desired effect on the audience is called oratory. The basis of the origin of oratory as a social phenomenon was the urgent need for public discussion and resolution of issues of public importance. To substantiate a particular point of view, to prove the correctness of the ideas and positions put forward, to defend one's position, it was necessary to have a good command of the art of speech, to be able to convince listeners and influence their choice.

As the researchers emphasize, the most active oratorical art develops in critical epochs in the life of society. It is widely used when there is a historical need for the participation of the masses in solving important state issues. Oratory helps to rally people around a common cause, convincing, inspiring and guiding them. The proof of this is the flourishing of eloquence during periods of social revolutions, when millions of people are involved in the social movement.[1]

As we can see, the topic of public speaking and public speaking has been very relevant at all times. In recent years, professions have become very widespread, where the main condition for success is a person's sociability – the ability to communicate competently with the audience. And this is not only the profession of a journalist or a teacher. This is the kind of activity of people related to economics, politics, business, management and many others. An important role in public speaking is played by the correct and competent arrangement or composition of the material. This part includes the doctrine of the order of arrangement and the basic blocks of the structure of the text or speech. Accordingly, this topic is currently very relevant for all fields, in particular for linguistics.

Oratory has been studied since ancient times. A huge number of works were devoted to rhetoric. Rhetoric was studied throughout the time. New aspects dictated by time have always appeared in the study of rhetoric. Over time, speech develops and changes, and, consequently, new requirements for language proficiency appear. The composition of public speaking, as an integral part of oratory, is reflected in sufficient detail in the works of most researchers.

Many modern researchers consider oratory as one of the specific types of human activity, which everyone who is connected with the spoken word by type of activity is obliged to master.

The purpose of this work will be to study the composition of a public speech, based on the works of famous authors. To achieve this goal, we need to define the concept of composition in general, and composition specifically of public speech. An important detail of any speech is the target setting, which will also be considered in this paper. We will also consider the structural parts of speech separately. Complementing the idea of oratory, it is worth describing the methods of presentation of the material. And to complete the idea of the composition of a public speech, we will consider typical mistakes that speakers should not make.[2]

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