
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » The concept of flipped classroom model and the role it can play in capacity building of writing skills as proposed in emergent literature

The concept of flipped classroom model and the role it can play in capacity building of writing skills as proposed in emergent literature

Автор: Надежда 270124


Over the last few years, the flipped classroom model is among the newest pedagogy strategies embraced in educational systems globally. This model of learning entails students sourcing content from outside class, where a significant portion of the college content is now availed online and then applying concept in class, through such techniques as discussions, group activities, and practical projects. It is generally agreed that there has been an extensive amount of research done on the effectiveness of the flipped classroom model regarding its influence on student academic achievement in different disciplines; however, the role of the flipped classroom on the improvement of the skill of writing has been sparse in the literature. In view of these empirical studies, the present paper aims at identifying a number of potential benefits and possible drawbacks of the flipped classroom model when it comes to writing skill acquisition.

Literature review

Writing is another area that has been the focus of some studies concerning the effect of the flipped classroom model. For instance, Bergen and Cunningham (2017) did a research on a group of students who were in a flipped classroom writing course with the other group in a lecture writing course; the latter indicating that the former’s writing skills improved significantly. The researchers attributed such enhancements to the college experience for students that the application of the flipped classroom model creates for collaboration with peers, feedback, and revisions. Compared to Johnson and Johnson’s (2018) study which was conducted among the students of an elementary school, it can also be suggested that students offered with the technology-enriched flipped classroom environment can exhibit better engagement and motivation, and thereby better writing outputs.

However, there are some limitations that should also be discussed. Limitations of the flipped classroom model are despite its theoretical advantages and positive results in terms of teaching and writing skills, the flipped classroom model is not without some challenges and drawbacks. A major concern of using the flipped classroom is that for students who do not have access to technology after class, usage of the technique may prove to be hard for such students. Some critics have also pointed so that within the frames of the flipped classroom model, the amount of time spent on the interactions between the instructor and students can be reduced thus influencing the quality of the feedback provided to the students.

Implications for practice

Despite all these challenges, the flipped classroom model offers a promising approach to teach the art of writing. Some authors have pointed out that the use of the strategy allows students to receive training in terms of active learning and cooperation; so, they become motivated and engaged writers who are capable of writing more effectively after completing lessons in the flipped classroom model. In order to ensure that the flipped classroom model is most productive and effective in the areas of writing skills development, educators should plan out the flipped lessons effectively and integrate opportunities of students’ interaction in class, feedbacks, and revisions frequently.


Thus, the flipped classroom model can be considered to be an effective factor in stimulating the growth of one’s writing skills among students. Consequently, the flipped classroom model has the potential to enhance writing outcomes for the flipped classroom model to have a positive impact on writing abilities, it has to incorporate writing practices in class. Furthermore, while there is limited research on the benefits of the flipped classroom model on improvement in student writing abilities, current studies indicate that this technique can indeed improve writing outcomes. Analyzing the advantages and limitations of the application of the flipped classroom model and paying attention to effective strategies of writing instruction, students’ writing can be enriched to foster students’ writing abilities and effectively develop students’ creative and academic writing skills.

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