Give out dictionaries to pairs of students, if necessary. Tell students to find out what the words mean.
If you want to speed this up, give different pairs different words.
If students are only looking up a few words make sure they write down the definitions of the words other students have found.
Students then work individually to complete the text.
«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.
Ask students to identify the tenses in blue
Draw attention to the first tense and ask when we use the present continuous (for temporary activities). Ask if students think Siobhan thinks she’s going to live in Kazakhstan permanently (probably not).
Point out that in the first sentence the activity started in the past and continues to the present as a continuous action.
Make students aware that when we talk about results or how often we have done something we always use the simple form: I’ve written ten blogs this week NOT I’ve been writing 10 blogs this week.
Make sure students are clear that the action in the third sentence finished before the wedding