
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Short-term plan "Olympic Games"

Short-term plan "Olympic Games"

Автор: ulinskene0641


Unit 1: Kazakhstan in the World of Sport

School: Nezhinka Secondary School



Teacher name: Ulinskene E. A.

Grade: 4

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Olympic  Games

Learning objectives

4.L4 understand an increasing  range of  short supported questions on general  and some curricular  topics

4.S4 respond to questions on an increasing  range of  general and some  curricular topics

4.W1 plan, write  and check   sentences with support on  a range of basic   personal, general and some curricular  topics

4.W4 write with  support a sequence  short  sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

4.UE5 use  interrogative  pronouns who,   what, where,  how many, how much, how often, how big,   what kind of … to ask questions on growing range of familiar topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Identify the adverbs of manner

Most learners will be able to:

Learn at least 5 new adverbs of manner

Some learners will be able to:

use the  simple adverbs in written and oral ways


Learn and revise the words related to technology

Previous learning

Children’s games 2


Planned timings


Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Warm up.

At the beginning teacher gets to know the students, their interests and introduce herself:

-Suggest learners to guess how their teacher spent her summer vacation



Learners try to guess





35 min


Next students are suggested to share what they did during vacations: Ss are distributed clean sheets of paper where they write, “I went to Balkhash Lake in summer. I visited my grandparents in the villages.” Then make a plane and fly it around the classroom near whom it falls down, takes it, reads the sentence and tries to guess, who wrote it.

T writes the words sport, bingo, card games, quiz, computer games on board and find out who likes competitions and what kind of competitions they like.

In pairs, learners then say what kind of competitions they like. T writes sentence on board:

I really like ___.

I like ___.

I don’t like ____.

I play ___ well.

I play ____ badly.


T explains rules of adverbs of manner:

Adverbs of manner are made by adding LY to the adjective: bad-badly

When the word ends in a Y (happy) we must remove the Y and add ILY busy-busily

When the word ends in L we must add LY cool-coolly.

T writes the following adjectives on the board and Ls should change into adverbs of manner with T support.

Slow, loud, quick, happy, quiet, angry and careful.

Learners look at words on board and guess what the topic is.













Learners discuss









Learners follow the instructions





Verbal evaluation








Mutual evaluation









Individual  evaluation






5 min


There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad) T. suggests choosing any smiley face. Ss will choose one and put on their desks.

Home task: to make your own board game.

Saying goodbye





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Казахский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
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ФизикаДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Математика (алгебра)Для 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ХимияДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
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Английский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
История КазахстанаДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
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