
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Урок в 5 классе, тема "A description of an animal" (“Eyes Open 1” Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones)

Урок в 5 классе, тема "A description of an animal" (“Eyes Open 1” Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones)

Автор: aleksosh0480


Unit 2: Living Things


School: Brig

Date: 12.10.2022

Teacher name: Oshitok A.S.

Grade: 5

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:


A description of an animal

A book

“Eyes Open 1” Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit, and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

·       Learn about the position of adjective in a sentence

·       Read the text and understand the meaning of all words

Most of learners will be able to:

·       Use adjectives correctly

·       Understand specific vocabulary

·       Write short text according to the theme without any support

Previous learning

Huskies: the Inuit’s helper

ICT skills

Projector or Smart board for power point

Value links



Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




5 min

Greetings: Good afternoon, dear students!

Presentation on the learning objectives:

-        Read the description on an animal

-        Learn about the position of adjectives in a sentence

-        Write a description of an animal

Today we’ll talk and read about a big continent and its funny and interesting animal.

Warm up

a)Phonetic drill (find the adjectives and nouns)

You can go to Africa
To see some chimpanzees
You can see huge rhinos
And giraffes as tall as trees
Travel to Australia
And meet a kangaroo
Or see a scary spider
And a cute koala too 

b) (on the board) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Let’s elicit letters until the word is spelt out) Hippopotamus + Hippo

Where do hippos live? Are they mammals or fish? What do they eat?

PPP slide 1,2








PPP slide 3









PPP slide 4


30 min

Task 1. Look at the photo p21 ex1

Why do hippos sleep in the water? (read the text and check your answer)

(it’s sleeping in the water because it’s cool)


Task 2. Copy the table. p21 ex 2 (group work)

Write the information in the box in the order it appears in the text.

Interesting facts about the animal    where it lives   what it eats    what it looks like     

its daily activities


1 where it lives











Task 3. Read the description again. p21ex3

Complete column 2 of the table.

Useful language

Position of adjectives

Use adjectives…

ü  after is or are: They’re big and fat. It is dangerous.

ü  before a noun: They have small eyes. It is eating a red apple.

ü  after very: Hippos can be very dangerous.

 !!! Don’t forget about the Royal Order of Adjectives!

Task 4. Put the words in order to make sentences. p21 ex5

Task 5 Make a word web about an animal.


Task 6 Write a description of your animal.

(Use the words and the language below)

•        [  an Animals’ name] live in …

•         They’re …

•        They have …

•        They eat …

•        They can …


PPP slide 5











PPP slide 6













PPP slide 7
















PPP slide 8







PPP slide 9

SB + notebooks


 5 min

Reflection “Five fingers”

What was easy for you?

What was difficult for you?

Show on your fingers your opinion about the lesson

1-the lesson was difficult

2-you liked it the most

3- your mood is glad

4- you have done all the Activities

5- I learnt a lot today

Saying goodbye

PPP slide 10

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