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Singing songs at the english lesson

Автор: gulbany0325

Today, knowledge of foreign languages has become the most important factor in social life around the world. And in our country trilingualism is supported: Kazakh, Russian, English. Knowledge of all three languages is a good bonus for us. After all, everything in this world rests on communications, communication and mutual understanding. No wonder they say that the greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication. The tools are language and knowledge. The importance of learning a foreign language is based on the fact that it gives us the opportunity to plunge into the culture of another people, understand them and think like them. Not being able to understand the culture of another nation in its rights, we severely limit ourselves. This advantage is necessary for the effective interaction of states with each other in many spheres of life. For example, science and education, art and trade, etc [1, с. 25].

That is why trilingualism is supported in Kazakhstan. From the primary grades, schoolchildren are taught Russian, English and Kazakh; participate in olympiads, enroll in courses and reach certain heights. Children, their parents and adolescents are well aware of the relevance and necessity of these measures. Likewise, the Ministry of Education supports the future of its country and annually adjusts the curriculum.

It is obvious how every year the teaching of English is improving. The list of qualified professionals, teachers is growing and their teaching approach is creative. After all, it is so useful and interesting when we study culture, broaden our horizons and change the vector of thinking, developing and developing. Do not forget about the difficulties of this process. Learning a new language is not an easy task and sometimes takes a lot of our time and energy. At the sight of a different script and noticeable differences in comparison with our native language, we experience a load of heavy emotions and doubt. However, the desire and hardworking attitude will be the motivation in this difficult matter.

I want to focus on the ways and methods of learning a foreign language, using the example of English. At the moment, there are various and effective methods, such as taking online courses in applications, watching films in English with subtitles, communicating with native speakers, spending time in an appropriate environment and observing, reading books and the method of comparing the original with translation, methods of different authors and doctors sciences and so on. I can say with confidence how positively they will affect the perception of pupils, students and other interested persons. It is also worth noting another technique - Songs. Perhaps every student who has a subject of English has experience in studying and singing songs in English. It is possible that in everyday life we often sing the works of English authors and celebrity stars.

However, not everyone can see the value of this technique. Singing songs is also very important, as well as reading, writing, listening. Songs, perhaps, play a valuable role in the listening process, as they teach us the techniques of reducing speech and show us more advanced slang phrases in English, which provide us with the opportunity to express our thoughts in an accessible, concise, clear and clear way, to be on the same wavelength with the speakers of this language and join the English-speaking environment with a friendlier and freer vocabulary. It is obvious that native speakers of English, just like any other language, do not always and everywhere communicate in a formal form.

A loose and flexible vocabulary can help avoid tension and overly formal communication that can become a barrier to closer and more trusting relationships. As Nelson Mandella said, «If you speak to a person in a language that he understands, you are speaking to his mind. If you speak to him in his language, you speak to his heart».

I shared my opinion and view on the need to take into account this technique and what consequences and achievements await the student. However, please note the effectiveness in the process of the technique. First, let's start with the fact that music is a unique and versatile sound that allows us to feel the meaning and possible lyrics while listening. «Music is the universal language of the world», as Longfellow said. Music is one of the most effective ways to influence the emotions of students, because they perceive singing not as a learning process, but as a game or even relaxation. Such activity not only completely changes the atmosphere of the lesson, but also contributes to the unconscious memorization of new words and expressions. Singing in English can be used as: 

  • phonetic exercises at the beginning of the lesson;
  • a way of fixing lexical or grammatical material; 
  • stimulus for the development of speech skills; 
  • means for relieving stress of students and restoring efficiency the presence of familiar words and expressions in the text.
  • Small amount of new language material. -Small volume of the song. - Content. -Appropriate to the age and interests of the students.
  • a way of fixing lexical or grammatical material; 
  • stimulus for the development of speech skills; 
  • means for relieving stress of students and restoring efficiency the presence of familiar words and expressions in the text. 
  • Small amount of new language material. -Small volume of the song. – Content.
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