
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Lesson plan 8th grade "At the shop"

Lesson plan 8th grade "At the shop"

Автор: kyzgaldakryspekova01 764

Unit of a long term plan  Unit Daily life and shopping


School: Secondary school N3 named by K.Ospanova


Teacher name: Ryspekova Kyzgaldak


Number present: 17


Lesson title

Topic At the shop

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics;  understand specific information  and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a  range of general  topics, and some curricular topics;

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able:

To identify specific information in the dialogue;

To find specific information about shopping;

To use vocabulary about shopping in conversation.

Assessment criteria


·         identifies specific information and details in the dialogue;

·         determines specific information about shopping;

·         uses vocabulary about shopping in conversation.

Language objective


·         Determines specific information;

·         Uses specific information and details in texts;

·         Uses names of shops: bakery, grocery, toy shop, bookshop, etc.

·         Uses phrases like:

I’d like to buy ...

Can I help you?

What price is it?

What have you bought?

Values links

The national idea of Kazakhstan - Mangilik Yel.

In this lesson we can see Economic growth based on imports and exports.

Cross-curricular links

This theme is connected to the Maths. 

Previous learning

Modal forms: can

Gerund forms


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



2 minutes






10 minutes

Greetings. Teacher says to learners stand up and stay in a circle. Learners should say wishes to each other one by one.  For example: I wish you good luck or I wish you to be happy.

1.       Listening

Lead-in. Teacher says that learners will watch the video about our topic.

Preteach. Learners say about our topic. Give them some phrases like:

I’d like …



Prediction.  Listening the part of the dialogue. Learners should listen the part of the dialogue.

Checking prediction.

Gist question. After that Teacher gives them questions:

1. How much kilos of rice did she buy?

2. What products did she buy?

3. How do you think in what shop is the action?

1st listening

And then listen the whole dialogue the first time.

Check answers to the gist questions. Answer the questions were given.

Detailed comprehension question. 1. How much cheese did she buy? 2. How much oil did she buy?

Listen for detailed comprehension. 2nd listening

Check answers to the detailed comprehension.

Reaction to the text. Teacher asks some questions:

1.       Do you like shopping?

2.       Do you often go to the grocery shop? Why?

3.       With whom do you go to this shop?

Teacher gives feedback in recasting or reformulation forms after learners’ speech.








Worksheet 1






2 minutes














































10 minutes















































































13 minutes

2.       Reading

Pre reading: Teacher shows definitions of words from the text. Learners will say this definition is correct or no.

Occasion – a man's black or white jacket worn at formal social events, usually in the evening, with matching trousers and a bow tie.

Tuxedo – a special or formal event.

Employees - someone who is paid to work for someone else.

Teacher divides learners into 3 groups by giving words connected with types of shopping. They will work with this text.

You Are What You Wear

Would you ever wear shorts and a T-shirt to a wedding? Would you think about wearing a bikini to work? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you are a little crazy. If you don’t want to look strange, it is important to wear the right clothes for the right occasion. There are basically four different kinds of clothes that you can wear: formal, professional, casual, and stylish.

When it comes to wearing formal clothes, for example, to a wedding or to a performance like the opera or ballet, women should wear a nice dress and some jewelry. For men, it should be a dark suit with a tie. If the occasion is a funeral, people usually wear black. For a very formal occasion women should wear an evening gown and men a tuxedo. A very formal event would be something like a charity ball or a fancy party for a high government official.

A professional outfit for a woman might be a skirt and a nice blouse. For a man, it would be either a suit and tie or pants with a jacket and tie. Professional clothes shouldn’t be very colorful or have any details that could make you look like you are not being serious. You should wear clothes like these to work, to meetings and interviews, or to business lunches and dinners.

Casual clothes are more fun to wear. For casual occasions both men and women can wear jeans, sweaters, or anything they feel comfortable in. Casual clothes might also express something about your personality or your interests. For example, they might have on them the logo of your favorite sports team or the name of a city that you have traveled to. These clothes can be worn in any places where it is all right to just be comfortable. In addition, some businesses now have something called ‘casual Friday’ or ‘dress down Friday’: one day each week on which employees can wear casual clothes to work.

Stylish clothes are clothes that are fashionable and that make you look great. Styles change every year, so it can be hard for both men and women to know what to wear to look stylish. The best idea is to take a look at some fashion magazines or to see what celebrities are wearing on TV. Or, be brave and create your own style! The best places to wear stylish clothes include restaurants, nightclubs, and parties.

It isn’t easy to dress well. For some people, it can even be stressful. Why can it be so stressful? Well, rightly or wrongly, many people believe the saying that you are what you wear.

Task for Group A

Teacher gives the text. Learners should complete the table FILA










A learner

·         Works in groups

·         Reads the text

·         Completes the FILA table

·         Presents their work to other learners

Task for Group B

Teacher gives the text with jumbled paragraphs. Learners should rearrange the paragraphs in the right order.

You Are What You Wear

When it comes to wearing formal clothes, for example, to a wedding or to a performance like the opera or ballet, women should wear a nice dress and some jewelry. For men, it should be a dark suit with a tie. If the occasion is a funeral, people usually wear black. For a very formal occasion women should wear an evening gown and men a tuxedo. A very formal event would be something like a charity ball or a fancy party for a high government official.

Would you ever wear shorts and a T-shirt to a wedding? Would you think about wearing a bikini to work? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you are a little crazy. If you don’t want to look strange, it is important to wear the right clothes for the right occasion. There are basically four different kinds of clothes that you can wear: formal, professional, casual, and stylish.

Casual clothes are more fun to wear. For casual occasions both men and women can wear jeans, sweaters, or anything they feel comfortable in. Casual clothes might also express something about your personality or your interests. For example, they might have on them the logo of your favorite sports team or the name of a city that you have traveled to. These clothes can be worn in any places where it is all right to just be comfortable. In addition, some businesses now have something called ‘casual Friday’ or ‘dress down Friday’: one day each week on which employees can wear casual clothes to work.

It isn’t easy to dress well. For some people, it can even be stressful. Why can it be so stressful? Well, rightly or wrongly, many people believe the saying that you are what you wear.

A professional outfit for a woman might be a skirt and a nice blouse. For a man, it would be either a suit and tie or pants with a jacket and tie. Professional clothes shouldn’t be very colorful or have any details that could make you look like you are not being serious. You should wear clothes like these to work, to meetings and interviews, or to business lunches and dinners.

Stylish clothes are clothes that are fashionable and that make you look great. Styles change every year, so it can be hard for both men and women to know what to wear to look stylish. The best idea is to take a look at some fashion magazines or to see what celebrities are wearing on TV. Or, be brave and create your own style! The best places to wear stylish clothes include restaurants, nightclubs, and parties.


A learner

·         Works in groups

·         Reads the paragraphs of the text

·         Rearranges the paragraphs in the right order

·         Presents their variant

Task for the C group

Answer the questions

1.       When do people wear formal clothes?

2.       Where can people wear casual clothes?

3.       What does it mean ‘dress down Friday’?

4.       Why should people wear a professional outfit to work?


A learner

·         Works in groups

·         Reads the text

·         Answers the questions

·         Shares answers with another groups

Three groups will assess each other with three stars and a wish.

3.       Speaking

Teacher gives instructions to work in pairs now. Every pair has the dialogue with incorrect answers. Learners should match the two columns.

Hello, how are you today?

It’s good. I know one shop where they cook many delicious pies, cakes and biscuits.

I am going to shop. I’d like to buy a present for my mum’s birthday. And what about you?


Hi, I’m fine. Where are you going?

Oh, I am going to shop too but I want to buy something for tea.


Let’s go together!

Yes, I can.


Can you show me this shop?

After matching learners should act out their short dialogue.


A learner

·         Works in pairs

·         Matches two columns

·         Makes short dialogue

·         Act out this dialogue





Worksheets 1,2,3





































3 minutes

Teacher asks learners to do one big bunch of flowers. Learners take one of flowers, the red one – if a learner has problems, he or she need for help; the yellow one – if some statements aren’t clear, the green one – if everything is clear.


Flowers (red, yellow, green)

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

In this lesson differentiation was by outcomes. Every group had own task. After doing this task they should show it to others and try to prove their variant.


During the lesson after every task we have assessment. They are group assessment, pair assessment, three stars and wish.

Health saving technologies.

Using physical exercises and active activities.

Rules from the Safety Rules book which can be applied in this lesson.



Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve thelesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?






What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?






What have I learned from this lesson about the class orindividuals that will inform my next lesson?






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