Lapayeva P.I.
Shymkent, Kazakhstan
School #14 M.Saparbayev
The system of exercises in teaching speech communication.
Статья посвящена системе упражнений как основному средству обучения иноязычному общению. В ней представлена классификация упражнений по видам речевой деятельности и аспектам языка и раскрыта основная цель системности упражнений.
Мақалада жаттығу жүйесі қарым-қатынас жасауда негізгі құрал ретiнде жүйеге арналған. Онда сөйлеу қызметтiң түрлерi және тiлдiң тұрғылары бойынша жаттығулар топтамасы ұсынылған.
One of current issues of modern foreign languages teaching technology is the development and theoretical justification of an exercises subsystem in «using speech» or such working methods which would allow the teacher to train pupils in impromptual mobilization of linguisticknowledge, skills for expression of own thoughts and feelings. The objective is to study thesystemof exercisesandtheir effective use to develop foreign languageskillsof speech communication.
Communicative and practical orientation of foreign language teaching is based primarily on the exercises, as more exercise is similar to real conversation as more it is efficient. As I.L. Bim noted, teaching methods, as well as the goals and ways, find direct implementation by means of exercises. Functioning at different levels of implementation, exercises provide pupils’ managed assimilation of a foreign language as means of communication.
Therefore, exercises are the main direct appliance of the organization of pupils’ and teachers’ activity, pupils with each other or the pupil and the textbook in individual work. Therefore definition of the exercises’ status, their structure and functions, their typology is one of the most important problems of methodology.
Specifically, in thedomestic methodology various classifications of exercises are known. However, presence of such variety is quite explainable — it follows from essence of classifications: to allocate one of signs of some the phenomena and to qualify these phenomena from the point of view of the chosen sign. As different authors allocate in different cases for consideration different signs there are almost different classifications. The part of methodologists offers single criterion as a basis: degree of transformation of the information (N.I.Gez), possibility to provide the use of linguistic elements (B.A.Lapidus), readiness of the statement (N.S.Obnosov) a verbal orientation, speech focus (E.I.Passov, V.P.Skalkin), situational education (M.L.Vajsburd), etc.
Beginning from the 70-80 the foreign languages teaching methodology is characterized by a steady tendency to the communicative orientation of the whole educational process. This tendency stimulates interest to a problem of exercises from its communicative value. The essence of a problem consisted in givingcommunicative character to theprocess of training and automation of a language material and free statements. Exercises which could embody this principle called conditional-communicative and communicative (P. B. Gurvich, B.A.Lapidus, E.I.Passov, S.F. Shatilov, etc.).
This approach creates conditions for increasing the efficiency of the speaking exercises. The importance of the exercises system developed by B.A.Lapidus is also in providingactivization of pupils’ thinking.This system provides the combination of targeted activation process of linguistic material and speech practice, giving exercises to enhance the focus of the speech material, so that students are performing these exercises, produce the speech.The exercises offered by V.L.Skalkin, based on the principle of communicative orientation in teaching aren't of less interest. The communicative exercises are aimed at that pupils seized communicative function of language. The author in the work presented an extensive system of communicative exercises.
I.V.Rakhmanov presented the description of system of exercises for development of spoken language. He distinguishes exercises for assimilation of a language material and exercise for development of oral speech, i.e. linguistic and communicative, reproductive and receptive exercises.
Thus, communicative exercises are various according to the contents and they are necessary for including in lesson structure.Having considered these exercises, we can say that they have determined advantages, namely: promoting informative activity of pupils and form practical abilities to use language as a means of communication. But the idea of unified system of communicative exercises should cause, in our opinion, critical remarks. Here, as it seems to us, value of training exercises which provide durability of assimilation of a material and a speech correctness isn't considered.
We have offered to intensify training by a cognitive component and to carry out the following scheme: implementation of creative exercises; acquisition of linguistic material; improvement of cognitive activity.Moreover, creative, unprepared exercises should come to the forefront in the teaching process, and reproductive tasks accept a rehearsal role in this process.
In this regard we have identified reproductive and productive exercises. Reproductive exercises: imitative (store in trainee’s memory linguistic forms, which makesthe teacher) , dialog templates (speech improvement on the basis of previously acquired samples), dramatization (assimilation of verbalstructures by establishingdirect links with a concrete situation),substitution (are based on substitution of lexical units in structure of any grammatical form), transformation (modification of lexical and grammatical forms), a reproduction (pupils’ reproduction in replicas of those forms which are acquired in the previous exercises). Productive exercises: the tasks demanding the analysis, a conclusion; tasks for guessing, the tasks demanding definition of cause and effect, the tasks demanding comparisons; the tasks demanding imagination; tasks, with installation on an assessment of the facts of the contents; tasks, with the lowered semantic links, problem role-playing games.
FinallyIwanttoconcludecitingUshinskiy “ The system of exercises is the first and the main basis of successful foreign speech communication teaching”.
1.Rogova G.V., Rabinovich F.M., Saharova T.E.Methodsof Teaching English. – М.:Просвещение, 1991.
2.Passov I. E. Communicative method of teaching talking of foreign languages. –М., 1985.
3.Skalkin V.L. Communicative Exercises in English. –M., 1983.
4. Parrot, M. 1993. Tasks for Language Teachers.Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.
5. Brown, G., Yule, G. 1991. Teaching Spoken Language.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.