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The fisherman and the fish

Автор: gabdykadyrova04 851


LESSON:  Unit 6. Reading for pleasure SCHOOL: №13
Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to: 5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 
5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics  
5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information 
5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able
  • To say their favourite characters in fairy tale
  • understand the main events in the story 
Most learners will be able
  • understand the moral of the story
       make some questions on the given story 
Some learners will be able
  • understand  most of the language in the story 
answer the questions and give examples from the text 
Language objective:
  • Word order; past simple ;Use vocabulary from the story to answer the questions
Value links Respect for self and others, academic honesty, Cooperation 
Cross curriculalink Literature
ICT skills Projector or Smart board for presenting pictures 
Previous   learning Creativity 
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
5 min
Organizational moment (W)
T: Good morning children. How are you today?
P(possible answer): I am super./I am  O.K./I am well./I am so so./I am not bad./I am great./I am fine.
We are fine and you?
T: I’m very well.
Warm up:
So my dears look outside please. What season is it now?
P: It is winter.
T: Do you like winter?
P: Yes,we do. 
T:What is the weather like today?
P: It is  sunny and a little frosty.
T: What was the weather like yesterday? Was it windy?
P: No,it wasn’t. It was frosty and sunny too.
T: That’s great. Thank you.
Brainstorming. (W)
T: What did you do yesterday?
P(possible answers):I played football. I watched TV. I visited my granny. I did my homework. And what did you do my teacher?
T: I read very interesting fairy tale.And I liked it very much.
Do you like rading books?
Do you like fairy tales?
What is your favourite fairy tale?
Who are the main characters?
Pictures, photos 
5 min
5 min
5 min
5 min 
5 min
5 min
Now I want you to look at the pictures on the screen and find out  the name of the fairy tales
And your home work was to read and to understand the plot of the fairy tale “The fisherman and the fish.”
Did you like it? 
Was it interesting?
Who wrote this fairy tale?
Who are the characters of the story?
Home work checking up:(I)
Work up with tests:
• read the statements
• circle the correct answer according to the text.
• save time
1)Where did the fisherman live?
He lived in the old house.
He lived in wooden house
He lived in a beautiful house
2)Why the fisherman was very surprised?
The fish could speak
The fish was big
The fish was unusual
3)What was the end of the story?
They were poor again.
His wife became the Queen of the Land and Sea.
They moved to another place.
4)Where did the fish live?
It  lived in the sea.
It lived in the ocean.
It lived in the river.
5) Why the fish was angry?
The wife wanted to be Queen of the Land and Sea.
The fish was tired
The fish was busy
6)What was the wife’s first wish?
She wanted a new bucket.
She wanted a new house
She wanted to be a queen
7)What was the wife’s second wish?
She wanted a new bucket.
She wanted a new house
She wanted to be a queen
8) When the fisherman got home he could see 
The palace  and the servants
The queen and the golden fish
His house, his wife and the old bucket
T:Well done! And now tell me please  Who are the main  characters of the story?
P: The main characters are the fisherman, the fish and the wife.
T:Can you describe themWhat are they like?(G)
P1: The fisherman was kind,brave,sinsere,friendly,polite
P2: The fish was kind,calm,golden
P3: The wife was  bad,unkind,impolite and bad mannered.
What can you say about yourself ? Thanks a lot.
Now I want you to listen to the words of the characters and fill in this table. 
Descriptor: A learner 
• listens to the  fragment of the text; 
• circles the correct answer according to the text.
• reads the statements;
Who said the following… The fisherman The fish The wife
1 “What do you want, good man?”
2 “Please let me go!”
3 “You fool! We need a new bucket!”
4 “Dear little fish, I don’t want anything!”
5 “Now my wife wants to be Queen of the Land and of the Sea, she wants you to be her servant.”
6 “You can have your wish .Go home now.”
7 “My wife wants a new bucket.”
Vocabulary work (G)
Try to find out sentences in the “word snake”.
1.Wtcx fisherman cvwas bverymjhsurprised.
4.gdtyqohishkmwifedjfwantedsda dnewbgfhouse.
Mime theatre.Groups mime their sentences other groups should say the sentences.
Group work: (G)
Put  these sentences in the right order and match 
the sentences with the pictures.
• read the statements
• in groups reorder cut up cards to create story 
1. His wife needed  a new bucket.(2)
2. The fish didn’t answer . It turned and swam away.(6)
3. His wife  wanted to be Queen of the Land and Sea.(5)
4. His wife  wanted a new house.(3)
5.His wife  wanted to be a queen with a palace and servants.(4)
6.One day the fisherman caught a golden fish (1)
Imagine you met the golden fish. What would you wish for?
 What is the message of the story? 
Discuss in your group and choose the right answer.
  1. Be happy with what you have got
  2. Be careful what you wish for
  3. East or West home is best
  4. Health is above wealth
Pictures, stickers,
Colored  pencils
5 min
Feedback. The teacher gives comments about learners work  and awards learner. Students will choose one and put on the board  their stickers. 
Self-assessment Tick (˅)
I can describe the main chracters
I can read and translate the text
I can answer the questions
I can share my ideas
I liked the lesson
I enjoyed the lesson
Home task: EX4,5,6 P.77
0% I did not understand
50 % I lunderstood the lesson but I still need help.
75 % I understood
100% I understood the lesson perfectly
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Cross-curricularlinks

  • More support can be given at the start and in middle of lesson by providing less-able learners with story vocabulary in a word list so they can read examples of words seen or heard.
  • Monitor groups of learners as they agree on discussion. Do they take turns to speak? Do they contribute appropriate language for discussion
  • Russian literature
  • Kazakh  literature
  • History 


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? 
What did the learners learn today? 
What was the learning atmosphere like? 
Did my planned differentiation work well? 
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.  
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Наши олимпиады

Русский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Казахский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ИнформатикаДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ФизикаДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Математика (алгебра)Для 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ХимияДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
БиологияДля 7-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
ГеографияДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Английский языкДля 1-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
История КазахстанаДля 5-11 классов, 1-2 курсов Открыть
Для дошкольниковДля дошкольников от 4 до 6 лет Открыть

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