The problem I've chosen is the lack of water in Africa, precisely speaking in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 61% of inhabitants have access to the water. We live in the 21st century and everyone knows that water is vital for the human body, that is why every person should have an access to this important aspect of our life. Because of its geographical position this region of Africa is suffer from lacking water, moreover as Christopher W.T. says many other factors, such as corruption or weakness of governments only exacerbate the issue, that is why other developed countries, like the USA, Japan, and even we should help them to overcome this problem. People are dying, because of dehydration, lack of sanitation, and illnesses, such as malaria, cholera, and typhoid, according to Amref Health Africa, their children are 520 times more likely to die than in any other country in Europe or other regions. These statistics and facts clearly show the relevance of water stress in Africa. Let's generally talk about a given issue, lack of water is caused by drought, geographical position, or excessive water intake, when people don't have access to this natural resource or when water is dangerous for drinking because of microorganisms there, but in my project there is one more problem connected with 1st, and it is mortality caused by sanitation or water pollution, maybe it is the worrying side of water stress. There can be people, who don't understand it or don't believe it because they live in abundance and are never faced with that. However, there are some pieces evidence, if you'll look at the map in the article of UNDESA, you'd see that only 30% of Sub-Saharan Africa have water coverage, or Amref's page has a video, that says that 2 from 5 people suffer from water lacking, that clearly shows that given issue exists. I've seen many videos and films where children suffer lack of water, and it is really hard to watch, that is why I've decided to research this problem. But that is not the only reason, because of agriculture many water sources, such as Aral sea are shrinking nowadays, and after hundreds of years this issue can spread all around the world, furthermore many chemical wastes from factories get into the water, because of which appears new problem – water pollution. And these possible situations worry me and don't want future our heirs to have such problems. So if we will pay attention to the small issues now, we can prevent bigger accidents in the future.
How to provide access to clean water with high quality for African people?
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