How can we prevent high school bullying in Kazakhstan?
Bullying has continuously been a massive issue in society all told time. However, recently, because of significant changes in society and the development of technology, the matter of bullying has only worsened and expanded by subspecies called cyberbullying.
To begin with, let us observe what bullying is. “Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and social behavior that intends to cause physical, social and psychological harm” (TodayShow, 2020). It implies that one person or group of individuals harm others with negative words or physical actions. A fact victim is often someone younger, weaker, or far more vulnerable than the bully (Bullying | Psychology Today). Acts of bullying affect everyone, whether or not it is a bully or victim, and become an explanation for problems in their life (Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA), 2021). Children who have faced bullying experience different emotional, social, academic issues (ASPA, 2021). However, it turned that victims face the consequences. Bully also experiences such troubles as deterioration of educational achievements, health problems, and mental instability (ASPA, 2021). From all perspectives, this problem has only minuses and bad consequences for society.
The research and different surveys about this theme have shown that about 20% of adolescents suffer from bullying (ASPA, 2021). In 2020, during the monitoring of internet resources, identified quite 10 thousand illegal contents, which of 30 is about violence (Askhatov, 2021). Such content spread bad behavior among juveniles. Maybe this can be one of all the explanations why bullying is so widely spread in Kazakhstan. Because each year, approximately 300 thousand kids become a victim of bullying, and every fifth child becomes the object of ridicule and bullying in the age of 11-15 (“The problem of bullying: how children are poisoned, leading some to suicide,” 2021). So, all of the things said upper is very vital for me and society. Such terrible things are very actual now, so they should be discussed. Bullying has many consequences which break people in every meaning of this word. Many people try to observe this problem, but even though they cannot find a successful solution. So, maybe it needs observation from my perspective – the perspective of a teenager. So, this made me choose this topic.