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Toys in my house

Автор: aizasmagul0606


Toys in my house

School: 15


Teacher name: Smagulova A.M.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.L9  recognise the names of letters of the alphabet

1.S1  make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

·         listen and repeat the names of toys 

·         say and recognize colour

Most learners will be able to:

·         recognise and name some toys

·         say and recognize colour without mistakes

Some learners will be able to:



·         recognise and name all toys

·         make word combinations with colour + objects

Previous learning

Colour, objects in the room  


Planned timings

Planned activities





Organisation moment:

Look at the boy, he has a toy

Look at the girl, she has a doll

Look at the cat, it has a hat

Look at Nell, she has a bell


Rhyme in pictures













         Repetition of words from previous lesson.

Teacher asks students to tell two things they have in their rooms.

  T puts up pictures! T points to the items (doll, like, bike, car, plane), one at a time, and says the corresponding words. The students repeat, chorally, and individually. T points to each item in random order. T asks the rest of the class for verification. Names an item, e.g. bike. Asks a student to mime an action connected with it. E.g. riding. Repeat with as many pupils as you think is necessary. 



Flash cards: a doll, a car, a bike, a plane, a kite









Sing a song

T asks to students point to the doll and the bike and say: I have got a doll, I have got a bike!  The students repeat after teacher.

T plays the video. The students listen to the song. T divides the students in to two groups and assigns a verse to each group. T plays the song again for groups to sing the assigned verses. 

I've got a train,

 I've got a ball!

 I've got a teddy,

 I've got a doll!

  All the girl

  And all the boys

  Have got a lot of

  Lovely toys!


Number and Colour

T hands out worksheets and explains the task

T reads, s-s number and colour their worksheets

1. This is my ball. It's green and orange.                         6. This is my puzzle. It's orange and white.

2. This is my teddy. It's pink.                                             7. This is my balloon. It's black.

3. This is my car. It's purple.                                              8. This is my train. It's brown.

4. This is my doll. It's yellow and blue.

5. This is my kite. It's red and green.



T puts up the poster on the board My Toys! T invites the s-s to come to the front of the classroom. Asks him/her: what have you got?

T encourages him/her to point to on item on the poster and answer e.g. I have got a bike

Poster My Toys!

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