
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Asking forGiving directions. Lesson plan.6 Grade. Excel. Краткосрочный план

Asking forGiving directions. Lesson plan.6 Grade. Excel. Краткосрочный план

Автор: LiliyaAm03 147

Unit 7. Our neighbourhood



Teacher’s name:


Number present:


Theme of the Lesson:

Asking for/Giving directions

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to  use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers; - understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use with some support familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding; respect different points of view ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics


Lesson objectives

ü to ask and give the direction;

ü to use new words and phrases in real situation;

✓      to read for comprehension of general  information

✓      to consolidate new vocabulary



Assessment criteria


ü   to ask and to give direction

ü  to use the new vocabulary correctly

ü  to mark the direction correctly

Value links

Respect, Lifelong learning and academic honesty

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

Learners use  online dictionaries if necessary

Previous learning

Names of places and objects in a city; prepositions of place.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




0-2 min







3-5 min










Organizational moment

Teacher greets learners:

-Welcome, everybody!

-How are you feeling today?

-I hope you are all ready to start?


Warm –up

Teacher says:

-          Let’s start our lesson. I want you to answer my questions.

-          Where can you watch films? ( Cinema)

-          Where can you buy toys? ( Toy shop)

-          Where can you take books for a while? ( Library)

-          Where can you borrow or change money? ( Bank)

-          Where can you have hamburgers? ( Fast Food café)

-          Where can you get or send letters? ( Post Office)

Learners give their answers









PPT Slide 2














Focus on reading




Teacher shows the phrases and ask to guess the theme.

-Could you tell me how to get to…?

- How do I get to…?

- Where’s the…?

-Go up/down/ through…

-Turn left/right…

-It’s next to/near/ opposite…


Learners should understand the meaning of the phrases and name the theme.


-The theme of our lesson today is Asking for/Giving directions. By the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about direction.




Teacher tells learners to read the dialogue by role.


Post-reading Task

Teacher divides the learners into groups of 3-4

Task 1.Write the words under the pictures


Answer keys: go round the roundabout, go straight on, go along the road, go past, stop, cross the road, turn left, turn right.


Task 2.

Look at the map. Read and follow the directions below. Write where you are.

1.      Go left at the roundabout. Go past the florist’s. Turn left and stop. Where are you?   the school

2.      Go straight at the roundabout. Go along the road. Stop at the theatre. Cross the road. Where are you?

3.      Go along the road. Turn left after the park. Stop before the roundabout. Cross the road. Where are you?  

4.      Go left at the roundabout. Turn right at the sports centre. Go straight on the roundabout. Stop after the big tree. Where are you? 

5.      Go straight on the roundabout. Go past the park and the museum. Stop. Where are you?



 Answer keys: 2- the toy shop; 3 – the cinema; 4 – the bakery; 5 – the theatre.


Task 3:

Look  at the map. You are the child riding the bike. Give directions to the places.

1.      Could you tell me how to get to the library?

2.      Could you tell me how to get to the sport centre?

3.      How do I get to the statue?

4.      How do I get to the museum?

Answer keys:

1.      Go left at the roundabout. Turn left at the school. Cross the road.

2.      Go left at the roundabout. Turn right and stop.

3.      Go along the road. Turn left after the park. Go straight on at the roundabout and stop.

4.      Go straight on at the roundabout. Go past the park. Turn left and stop. Cross the road.






PPT Slide 3














Excel 6 Student’s book

Grade 6

( ex.3 p.94)


PPT Slide 4


Handout 1





















PPT Slide 5,6





































PPT Slide 5,6













The home task is to read the text and do the exercise; learn the phrases from ex.1 by heart


At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:



     Handout 2

PPT Slide 8,9



DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety rules

less-able learners can be supported by teacher. Support them with vocabulary of necessary  while reading the story or provide them with dictionaries.

Teacher observes learners when participating in discussion and during pair work and makes records to provide constructive feedback



Short physical exercises between the activities

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