
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Поурочное планирование по английскому языку 4 класс

Поурочное планирование по английскому языку 4 класс

Автор: Жанна Тастемір01 118

Short-term plan :

Unit 5 Hot and Cold

School:  Secondary School № 3 of Tayinsha


Teacher: Tastemir Zhanna Sanatovna

Grade:  4

Number present:                     


Theme of the lesson:  Weather 2

Learning objective(s)

4.L3 understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

4.S5 respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

4.UE10 use common present continuous forms, including short answers and contractions to talk about what is happening now on a limited range of personal and familiar topics

Lesson objectives

·       Identify the main points of short dialogue with some support

·       Answer the questions on the given topic

·       Use present continuous forms and topical vocabulary to describe pictures

Assessment criteria

·       Recognize the meaning of short dialogue with some support

·       Give full correct answers to questions about weather

·       Describe pictures using  present continuous forms and new words

Value links

Labour and creativity, cooperation, lifelong learning

Cross-Curricular links

Knowledge of the world

Previous learning

Present continuous forms, special questions


Planned timings

Planned activities



1-3 min


GREETING (Whole Class)


·       Learners watch a video “Rain, rain go away”


·       After watching a video learners should guess the theme of the lesson with helping of questions

-        What season do you like?

-        Do you like rain?

-        What is the weather like today?

Teacher presents the theme of the lesson

·       Draws learners’ attention to the lesson objectives and makes sure they all understand them.



Slide 1


Slide 2

Slide 3


4-7 min















8-9 min












10- 14min

















15-20 min


Teacher gives constructions and examples of  Present continuous tense to refresh learner`s knowledge (Whole Class)

·       Present continuous tense

Learners listen and repeat after the teacher in chorus.

·       Drilling activity:  new words of the lesson


Exercise 1 Listening. Learners listen to the dialogue and do activity while listening.(Whole Class)

Listen to the conversation between Ann and Tony.

 —  What is your favorite season, Ann?

 — I like autumn. When it’s not too hot but not too cold. I also like when it’s raining. I think it’s the most beautiful season of all. And what about you, Tony?

 — I prefer summer. I like to spend time outside, camping or just lying on the beach. I like when it’s hot and sunny.

— What about winter?

— I don’t like winter very much. It’s beautiful when it’s snowing but I don`t like cold weather.

While  listening activity.(Individual Work)

Choose  True (T) or False (F)

Example: Ann likes summer.(F)

1.     Ann likes autumn, because it is not too hot and not too cold.

2.     She thinks it`s the most beautiful season of all.

3.     Tony prefers winter.

4.     He likes skating and playing hockey.

5.     Tony likes hot and sunny weather.

6.     Tony doesn`t like winter.

7.     He thinks it`s beautiful when it`s snowing.

8.     Tony likes cold weather.

Descriptors: - Listen to the dialogue between Ann аnd Tony

-        Read the statements

-        Сhoose  True (T) or False (F)

Pair assessment: learners swap their works and check them using right answers on the slide.

Exercise 2. Speaking. Work in pairs. Ask your partner and answer his/her questions orally (Pair Work)

-        What is your favorite season?

-        Why do you like it?

-        What do you like to do in (your favorite season)?

Descriptors: - Read the questions

-        Ask your partner  and answer his/her questions orally

Assessment: teacher assess by giving the sun – full right answers, the cloud – for partly completed answers, the snowflake – for not full answers

Warm – up activity.

Yes – stand up!

No – sit down!


Slide 4


Slide 5













Audio 1







Worksheet 1











Slide 6




Slide 7





Slide 8



21-36 min



Exercise 3. Use of English. Differentiated Task(Individual Work)

Teacher gives worksheets with differentiated tasks for all learners.

A level. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use verbs from the box in Present Continuous Tense. 


skating   making    feeding   sitting   looking    flying

throwing      hiding    standing   playing  wondering  snowing


Worksheet 2































































37-40 min


1.  It is………today. 2. Children are ……. outside. 3. John is………..a snowman. 4. The dog is………..at the children. 5. Daisy is…………the birds. 6. The cat is………..on the snow. 7. Robert is…………snowballs. 8. The bear is……… behind the tree. 9. Tom is ……… how Sally can skate well. 10. The butterfly is ………over the snowman. 11.  Sally is………



1.Look at picture

2. Complete the sentences

3. Use verbs from the box in Present Continuous Tense. 


B level. Look at the picture and write answers to questions



1. Is Emily skating?

2. Is Andy sledding?

3. Are Elza and Anna making a snowman?

4. Is Sally lying on the snow?

5. Is James throwing snowballs?

6. Are John and Daisy making a snowman?


1. Look at the picture and read the questions

2. Write answers to the questions

3. Use Present Continuous Tense.

C – level. Describe the picture using present continuous form.


1.Look at the picture

2. Make up sentences to describe the picture

3. Use present continuous tense

Assessment: teacher assess learners by giving them cards with pictures:

The sun – great job!

The cloud – good work!

The snowflake – try better!



Learners choose card with picture to show their mood:

SUN – It was clear!

CLOUD – I had some problems!

SNOWFLAKE – It was very difficult!

Home task:

Tell learners they must learn weather words – they will have a mini quiz on the words next lesson.





























Worksheet 3





























Worksheet 4


























Slide 9

Cards with pictures



Slide 10

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?        

Health and safety check

Less able learners were given a support with constructions of Present Continuous Forms and words, questions. More able learners were challenged by describing picture with full sentences without any support.


Pair assessment: learners wrap up their works and check them using right answers on the slide.

Teacher assess by giving the sun – full right answers, the cloud – for partly completed answers, the snowflake – for not full answers

Monitoring their knowledge during whole lesson

Using white board not more than 10 min

Physical activity


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?





What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?





What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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