
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Разработка урока "Around school" 2 класс

Разработка урока "Around school" 2 класс

Автор: Ирина Терехович01 541


Unit 3 My school

School №3 named after D.Kunaev

Date:  16.11.2021

Teacher name: Terekhovich I.Y.

 Grade: 2

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: 

Around school

Learning objectives

2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number

2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are use basic prepositions of time: on, in to talk about days and time use with to indicate accompaniment

2.S3 ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines

2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

recognize, match and write words and pictures

recognise basic prepositions of location and position


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min





Teacher: Hello, boys and girls!

How are you?



-How many (boards, windows, doors, desks, chairs) are there in the classroom?

Learners answer the question How are you?, looking at the picture.


Learners answer the question: How many (boards, windows, doors, desks, chairs) are in the classroom?

Verbal evaluation








30 min









Step 1  Around the School: Match. Listen and check.

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the Around School poster on the board.

Present the items, one at a time, and say the corresponding words/sentences.

Point to each item in random order. Ask individual pupils to name them. Ask the rest of the class for verification.


Step 2  Colour objects

Colour objects according to Teacher’s instructions

1.      Colour the book red

2.      Colour the pen blue

3.      Colour the bag yellow

4.      Colour the ruler orange

5.      Colour the pencil purple

6.      Colour the rubber green

7.      Colour the pencil case black






Step 3. Read the words

Read the words, the teacher and then pupils.

Point to each word in random order. Ask individual pupils to read them. Ask the rest of the class for verification.



The pupils repeat chorally and/or individually.

















Pupils colour

















Pupils check up tasks of each other



Pupils listen to the song and review words, letters and sounds

Pupils read the words



















Mutual avaluation





















Verbal evaluation





Verbal evaluation










Song “What's This?”





































Song “ABC school”






Lesson summary

5 min

There is a video on the screen with the lesson summary

Pupils look, listen and repeat words and phrases

Verbal evaluation

Video Smiles 2, Module 3, My school


5 min








There is a target on the board. T. suggests put stickers on it.

Well what did we do in our lesson?

Home task: Read the words

Saying goodbye




Ss will put stickers on the target.








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