
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Ағылшын тілі, Just so stories by Rudyard Kipling. Jeopardy game

Ағылшын тілі, Just so stories by Rudyard Kipling. Jeopardy game

Автор: Айжан Асылбаева0298

Extracurricular activity plan


 School: # 24 lyceum



 Teacher name: Assylbayeva A K

                           Nurakhmetova K N

CLASS: 7 a,ae,b

 Number present:


Title: Just so stories by R. Kipling (jeopardy game)



  Most learners will be able to:

 1. Practice speaking in English.

2.  Answer the questions about stories.

3.  Speak fluently


Value links

Respect each other


Cross-curricular links



Planned timing

Teacher’s actions

Students’ actions










 Organization moment

Teachers greet the students make them sit and listen to the leaders

Leaders are _____ and ______


 (Music plays)

 Leader 1 :   Good afternoon, dear friends! Nice to meet you! I am very glad to greet you here in our gfame, moreover, I am very proud to see you here as participants of our Jeopardy Game. It is devoted to a book wrotten by Kipling “Just so stories.

- First of all I’d like to introduce the rules of the game to you. We have 3 teams which are 7 a,ae,b . You have to pass 4 rounds. Each round has five sections; in each section, there are five questions. According to their difficulty, each question may bring you from 100 to 500.

The right to answer the question belongs to the team, which raises its emblem up first.

If the answer is correct, the team will get the number of the points the question costs. If you give the wrong answer you will lose a number of points according to the question’s rate, and the other team may try to give its variant of the answer.

The last round is called “Final” Each team makes a stake according to the number of points the team has by the beginning of the Final Round. The teams answer the Final questions in writing and depending of right or wrong answer gets or loses the number of points worth their stakes.

So, if everything is clear to you, take your answer sheets [1] and we are starting right now.




Students prepare for the game




























































100.Whom did the Whale swallow

Answer: the Sailor

200. What did the Wale eat?

Answer: crab, dape, plaice, dace, skate and his mate

300. What did the Clever Fish said in a small voice to the whale?

Answer: 'Noble and generous Whale, have you ever tasted Man?'

400. Why did the Whale feel unhappy when the sailor was inside of him?

Answer: Because sailor jumped, bumped, and he pranced and he danced, and he hit and he bit, and he hopped and he dropped, and he cried and he sighed.

500. What did the sailor do to get revenge?

Answer: Sailor had taken his knife and made the raff into a little square grating. He had tried it firm with his braces, and he dragged it good and tight into the Whale's throat, and there it stuck



100.Why did the Camel live in the middle of desert?

Answer: Because he didn't want to work

200.When did the animals start working for humans?

Answer: In the beginning when the world just began

300:  What should Three have done when the camel didn't want to work?

Answer: They must work double-time to make up for it.

400: What did Djinn say when he saw the camel?

Answer: My friend, what's this I hear of your doing no work, with the world so new?

500: What happened to the camel at the end?

Answer:  He has never yet caught up with the three days that he missed at the beginning of the world, and he has never yet learned how to behave



100                   What size was the cake a Holy Man made himself?

Half a metre across and one metre thick

200                   Why did the cake roll on the sand?

Because Rhinoceros upset the stove with his nose

300                   Where did a Holy Man live?

On an uninhabited island on the shores of the Red Sea

400                   What the Holy Man did while the Rhinoceros was blowing bubbles?

The Hole Man took his skin, shook, scrubbed and rubbed his Rhinoceros’ s skin full of as many old, dry, tickly crumbles

500                  How the Holy Man found many cake-crumbs?

(He never ate anything but cake and) never swept out his camp



100  Whose leg was the longest?

The Giraffe’s

200  What is the wisest animal in all southern Africa?

A Baboon

300 Main characters of the story?

Leopard, Zebra, Giraffe, Huntsman, Baboon

400  Why the Leopard and the Huntsman had a stomach-ache?

They ate rats, beetles and rabbits

500 How the Leopard got his spots?

The Huntsman put his 5 fingers close together and pressed all over the Leopard




100 What was the Elephant’s child’s unusual question?

‘What does the crocodile have for dinner?’

200 Who is the Elephant’s Child’s hairy uncle?

The Baboon

300 What does the word “curiosity0 mean?”

To ask many questions

400 What the Elephant’ Child took with him to Limpopo River?

100 kg bananas, sugar-cane, 170 melons

500 What happened at last?

His family went off one by one to the Limpopo River to borrow new noses and when they came back nobody spanked anybody any more.


Each team makes a stake according to the number of points the team has by the beginning of the Final Round. The teams answer the Final questions in writing and depending of right or wrong answer gets or loses the number of points worth their stakes.



1.     What tree was mentioned in the story?

A palm tree

2.     Why nowadays Rhinoceros has great folds of his skin and a very bad temper?

Because of cake-crumbs inside

3.     How did Rhinoceros’s skin look like?

It looked like a waterproof coat

Students choose the category and answer to the questions


Jeopardy game



Plenary: Say the results and give the diplomas



Leader 2 

Very, very brilliant children! But our game is over. It is time to say good-bye. Thank you very much! See you!Says good-bye.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well




What two things would have improved the activity?

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