
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Автор: Kulbassov Bekzhan0179

This survey was taken in order to get an idea of the domestic violence in Kazakhstan.
What is the current situation of domestic violence in Kazakhstan?
Domestic violence is a serious issue in Kazakhstan, with many women and children experiencing physical, psychological, and sexual abuse in their own homes. According to the National Commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy, around 35% of women in Kazakhstan have 
experienced some form of violence from their partners. Based on the above, it is possible to conduct a survey among students about whether they know or not about such a huge percentage of domestic violence in Kazakhstan. In order to gather trustworthy and accurate information that serves as a
foundation for additional research, the data collected has undergone extensive validation for validity through careful analysis.

As the primary research, an online survey was carried out with a randomly selected sample of participants. This survey helped to ascertain how the Kazakh population felt about domestic abuse. The need for a large audience to comprehend this research problem made it essential to develop sample questions. I meticulously selected information from secondary sources to formulate organized questions. The online survey on the impacts of ozone depletion had a total of 7 questions, including 2 clarifying ones. The goal was to poll 50 individuals for the survey. Filling out the well-known online poll created by the makers of Microsoft Forms. Participants were required to answer the questionnaire in an anonymous manner, as is usual for extensive surveys. 50 people responded between. The questionnaire had to be completed by participants anonymously, as is customary for large-scale surveys. 50 persons answered between February 23 and February 26, 2023 as a result. The same online survey generator was used to summarize and plot the survey's data.

I chose not to employ the interview strategy for a variety of factors. First off, because most interviews involve face-to-face contact, respondents who are less gregarious will suffer. Unidentified subjects are more likely to express unpopular and impartial opinions. It is simpler to obtain factual survey data and
make informed choices based on the analysis's findings. Additionally, the creator of the online survey added an automatic generation of graphic graphs that display the findings. By reading the prepared summary, you can rapidly grasp overall trends without wasting time analyzing each interview response. Despite this, a few of the responses helped me see the problem from novel angles.

Possible study limitations
The lack of seriousness with which some of the questions were answered could have been the only problem with my research, leading to significant errors and inaccuracies in the conclusions. Additionally, some questions received no response at all. The aforementioned circumstances did not significantly affect my outcome, but they did make my work slightly more difficult.

In order to collect the necessary and useful ideas and information, the respondents were interviewed with the same questions related to the domestic violence in Kazakhstan. The survey's findings helped me identify the key elements of the given issue. In total, 50 people took part in the inquiry.

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