
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Открытый урок на тему "Reviewing map reading skills"

Открытый урок на тему "Reviewing map reading skills"

Автор: Евгения Сим0119



Unit 6: Holidays and Travel

Teacher name: Sim Y.A.

School: Nur Alem School

Date: 05.02.2024


Grade: 6А

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Reviewing  map  reading  skills (This relates to Geography)

Learning objectives respect differing points of view use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

To express own opinions by using the pictures

To comprehend the general information in the listening

To apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences


Planned timings


Planned activities


Learners’ activities




5 min

Organizational moment

Greeting learners. Teacher focuses learners on the main goal of the lesson.

 Warm –up.  

Teacher shows the word ‘Congratulations’ and asks learners to think and write down words from the letters of the word ‘Congratulations’, as much as they can, give some examples. 

Possible answers: rat, cat, sat, got, cat, no, not, sang, on, in, sang, lion, sin, rag, goal, atlas, titan, roots, etc.






Learners form other words from using the same letters by shuffling the order of the letters.





35 min

Focus on vocabulary

In this manner, teacher elicits their background knowledge (may be topic-related vocabulary) concerning this topic. In addition, learners should match the words with the pictures by discussing with his/her pair. Then there should be a whole-class discussion to check.


If learners do not know the presented words, they should write the new words down in their copybooks.


Focus on listening


Learners are handed out pieces of paper. They are asked to fold the paper four times. After that they will 16 empty squares. And they need to cross out 4 of these squares randomly. And they have to complete the remain 12 squares with random words they come up with when they hear the title of the text, they are about to listen.



Learners listen to John, Jaden, Claire and Jess talking about their holiday last summer. The learners do the TASK 1 and fill the gaps.

After identifying the correct words, the learners write them.


TASK 2. Additionally, students should answer the questions about the text

1.     What did Jess do last summer?

2.     How was Tom's family holiday?

3.     When was the weather bad for Tom?

4.     Which is true about Jenny's family holiday?

5.     Who in Claire's family likes to go to bars in the evening?

6.     What is true about Jaden’s holiday?

7.     Which activity did Jaden NOT enjoy?



Learners look at the pictures on PPT related to the travelling
















Write 12 words about the text “What did you do last summer?”

Listen to the audio. If they hear the words they wrote, they should cross them out.






Learners identifies what Jess, Jaden, Claire and John are talking about

defines and completes the sentences with the correct words


Learners discuss


Verbal evaluation














Mutual avaluatio
















Individual  avaluation





















Track 1

















Handout 1






5 min


At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

What was difficult on this lesson?

What was easy on this lesson?


Home task: answer the questions

As an extension activity teacher can ask learners to discuss the questions: Imagine you are on holiday and your friend calls you. Tell him/her all about your holiday.

Saying goodbye











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