
RCDO.KZ » Публикации » Present Simple. Smiles 3

Present Simple. Smiles 3

Автор: abilzhanbannu0257

Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


Team work

3 min.


Organization moment:


Ask about the weather. T divides Ss to two teams: 1. Do  team, 2. Does team.

T puts calendar dates on the board and asks Ss to choose, then shows the calendr to related week. According to the date Ss should find their team.

In differentiation part «Do a jisaw puzzle» method was used to encourage them to identify the days of the week. And find his/her team. 

 “Do a jigsaw puzzle…” method helps to start the lesson with telling supporting words  to each other.

The aim: To develop Ss writing skills and create friendly atmosphere 

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

“Good job!

Well done!”

CD player






«Brainstorming» method

Team work

10 min.


Revision of previous lessons materials: “Umbrella” method.

T revises Present Simple sentence forms. Revise key words.

T asks Ss to walk around the class and ask question:

--Do you tidy your room on Saturday?

-Yes, I do. And you?.......

 In differentiation part «Umbrella» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge.

Ss look at the board revise key phrases, grammar and start to taking interview

Try to speak with different Ss.

Practice Present Simple tense


Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out how much do they remember.


Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme.


-know key phrases

- can make sentence

- know vocabulary of previous lesson.


Total: 1point







        Pupils Book


Middle of the lesson

Presentation part.


Team work.

8 min.



«Days of the week» video.

Introduction of the new words. Show Ss video about days of the week and useful vocabulary.

Ask general questions after watching

Ss watch the video. Work with new words and phrases. Answer to the T’s questions.


Write down new words.

Days of week


-understand general idea

-answer the questions



Total: 1point



    Pupils Book



«Days of week» sing a song and dance .

Any video from YouTube.

Ss  sing a song and dance.

Vocabulary revision.

T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job!

Well done!” “One more  time, please”


    Pupils Book


Basketball balls


Individual work

6 min.

Writing task




Exercise 10 on p.29. A.b. Sing a song




-cooperate as a team

-understand meaning of the text

-answer the questions


Total: 1point



    Pupils Book


Dombra for assessment

Team work

13 min.

Ask Ss to do exercise 22 on page 42 “Read and choose” task.


Aim:check grammar knowledge


To develop Ss writing skills and use new grammar Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Ss use new words in the sentences.

Ss read the text again. And choose the correct options connected with reading text.


Prove their answer by underlining the information in the text.


-can understand general idea

-can do the correct choice

- can follow the instructions


 Total: 1point



    Pupils Book


Cup with stars






End of the lesson.





Individual work:

5 min.

The Mango tree method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.



Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson.


Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!



Pupils Book

Mango tree







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