This study is aimed to investigate the influence of Covid-19 pandemic on business sector's development. Purpose of the research paper covers the methods to retaliate the consequences of epidemy and minimize it's effects. Qualitative methods usage ensured the worthy opinions of entrepreneurs and market's representatives, also demonstrated the tremendous effect of coronavirus on the gigantic companies' development. These findings suggest that coronavirus played significant impact on the development of economic and business sector. Research included the qualitative methods of conducted study, such as: case study and interview. Case study was based on investigation, that researched the economic stagnation of Kazakhstan market's giants, as "Technodom", "KazMunaiGaz" and "Rakhat". Interview methods secured the experience of Dolce & Gabbana former financial director, Arzax's chemical factory's director and Business field's experts. Implemented research methods supplied the vast set of valuable data for the future exploration.
Key words: business sector, Covid-19, development, experts, impact, qualitative resarch, investigation, case study, interview, field, director, future investigation